Terraforming Mars (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Beagle 2Get a production of Energy of 10 or more in a single game.
Biggest RewardWin all 3 awards in a single game.
Changing the PlanetGet a Terraforming Rating of 40 in a single game, before the end game.
CollectorCollect 10 resource on a single card in a single game.
CuriosityGet a production of Plants of 10 or more in a single game.
First JourneyFinish the tutorial.
It's a steal!Pay for a card using only Steel or Titanium.
LandlordPlace all types of tiles at least once.
Most AchievementsClaim all 3 milestones in a single game.
New HomePlace 5 City Tiles in a single game.
No Longer RedPlace 12 Greenery Tiles in a single game.
OpportunityGet a production of Titanium of 10 or more in a single game.
Project ManagerPlay 30 cards in a single game.
Prop-M RoverGet a production of M€ of 10 or more in a single game.
SojournerGet a production of Heat of 10 or more in a single game.
SpiritGet a production of Steel of 10 or more in a single game.
Team EffortWin 10 online games.
TerraformerWin 5 solo game.
Variety ExpertUse all Standard Project in a single game.
Winner Winner TerraformerGet 15 Victory Points or more in a single game.