Achievement | How to unlock
Coming back! | Start your second Terraform session.
Enough is enough! | Complete the HexCorp part of Terraform!
Feeling creative! | Open the Level Editor.
Graduation! | Complete the University part of Terraform!
Newbie | Start your first Terraform session.
Play 10 Turns | Play 10 turns of Terraform.
Play 100 Turns | Play 100 turns of Terraform.
Play 1000 Turns | Play 1000 turns of Terraform.
Restart a level | Retry a level.
Sharing is caring | Share one planet made with the planet editor.
Sharing is caring II | Share five planets made with the planet editor on Steam Workshop.
Sharing is caring III | Share ten planets made with the planet editor on Steam Workshop.
Terraform master! | Start your 10th Terraform session.
Terraform Obsession! | Start your 20th Terraform session.
Terraform pro! | Start your 5th Terraform session.
Terraform rating over 100 | Achieve a total Terraform rating of at least 100.
Terraform rating over 1000 | Achieve a total Terraform rating of at least 1000.
Terraform rating over 2000 | Achieve a total Terraform rating of at least 2000.
Terraform rating over 500 | Achieve a total Terraform rating of at least 500.
Use 10 Tools | Use a total of 10 tools.
Use 100 Tools | Use a total of 100 tools.
Use 1000 Tools | Use a total of 1000 tools.
Victory! | Complete the Tellus part of Terraform!