Achievement | How to unlock
The Big Manager | Finish ten seasons.
The Builder | Upgrade a sub-infrastructure.
The Captain (junior) | Be the captain of a Junior National Team.
The Captain (pro) | Be the captain of a Pro National Team.
The Coach III | Played 50 matches.
The Coach II | Played 5 matches.
The Coach IV | Played 100 matches.
The Coach VI | Played 1000 matches.
The Coach V | Played 500 matches.
The Coach | Played a Match.
The Confirmed | Reach manager level 6.
The Experienced | Reach manager level 7.
The Founder | Create my own Academy.
The GoO challenger | Participate in a Games of Olympus tournament.
The God of Olympus | Win in a Games of Olympus tournament.
The Hardened | Reach manager level 4.
The Job Creator III | Recruit ten staff members.
The Job Creator II | Recruit five staff members.
The Job Creator IV | Recruit twenty staff members.
The Job Creator V | Recruit fifty staff members.
The Job Creator | Recruit a staff member.
The Jock III | Upgrade Sport Center to level 7.
The Jock II | Upgrade Sport Center to level 5.
The Jock IV | Upgrade Sport Center to maximum level.
The Jock | Upgrade Sport Center to level 2.
The Legend | Reach manager level 9.
The Manager | Finish five seasons.
The Money Maker III | Have a current balance with 1kk at the end of the month.
The Money Maker II | Have a current balance with 500k at the end of the month.
The Money Maker IV | Have a current balance with 5kk at the end of the month.
The Money Maker VII | Have a current balance with 50kk at the end of the month.
The Money Maker VI | Have a current balance with 20kk at the end of the month.
The Money Maker V | Have a current balance with 10kk at the end of the month.
The Money Maker | Have a current balance with 100k at the end of the month.
The Negotiator III | Recruit ten players into the academy.
The Negotiator II | Recruit five players into the academy.
The Negotiator IV | Recruit twenty players into the academy.
The Negotiator V | Recruit fifty players into the academy.
The Negotiator | Recruit a player into the academy.
The Nerd III | Upgrade Youth and scouting center to level 7.
The Nerd II | Upgrade Youth and scouting center to level 5.
The Nerd IV | Upgrade Youth and scouting center to maximum level.
The Nerd | Upgrade Youth and scouting center to level 2.
The New Manager | Finish a full season.
The Number One | Coaching a world number 1.
The Scout III | Evaluate fifty players.
The Scout II | Evaluate twenty players.
The Scout IV | Evaluate hundred players.
The Scout VI | Evaluate five-hundred players.
The Scout V | Evaluate two-hundred players.
The Scout | Evaluate ten players.
The Seasoned | Reach manager level 3.
The Solid | Reach manager level 5.
The Speaker III | Answer to twenty Press Conferences.
The Speaker II | Answer to five Press Conferences.
The Speaker IV | Answer to fifty Press Conferences.
The Speaker | Answer to a Press Conference.
The Special Agent III | Upgrade Business Center to level 7.
The Special Agent II | Upgrade Business Center to level 5.
The Special Agent IV | Upgrade Business Center to maximum level.
The Special Agent | Upgrade Business Center to level 2.
The Surgeon III | Upgrade Medical Center to level 7.
The Surgeon II | Upgrade Medical Center to level 5.
The Surgeon IV | Upgrade Medical Center to maximum level.
The Surgeon | Upgrade Medical Center to level 2.
The Tactician | Create a custom Game Plan.
The Talker III | Answer to twenty Interviews.
The Talker II | Answer to five Interviews.
The Talker IV | Answer to fifty Interviews.
The Talker | Answer to an Interview.
The Trainer | Personalize a Training program.
The Ultimate Manager | Finish thirty seasons.
The Very experienced | Reach manager level 8.
The Winner III | Win twenty Grand Slam.
The Winner II | Win ten Grand Slam.
The Winner | Win a Grand Slam.
The World Champions (junior) | Win in a Junior World Cup.
The World Champions (pro) | Win in a Pro World Cup.
The World Cup challengers (junior) | Participate in Junior World Cup.
The World Cup challengers (pro) | Participate in a Pro World Cup.