Achievement | How to unlock
Against the Odds | Win an "Overwhelming Victory" against 10+ enemies with a single unit.
Anno Domini | Conquer the Dominion.
Anti-Aug | Complete the game without using a single Augmentation.
Arcane Propulsion | Expand your mission range with the Gravitron Drive.
Castle in the Clouds | Awaken the Citadel.
Extreme | Finish the True Ending on Extreme Difficulty.
First Blood | Win a battle.
Full House | 100 Active Crew Members.
Hidden Paths | Advance through the toughest storms through Storm Tunnels.
Jetstream | Expand your mission range with Turbo Jets.
Juiced Up | Expand your mission range with Refuel Cells.
Master of Storms | Control the storms with Spires to expand your territory.
Omega and Omega | Conquer the Order.
Reveille | 80 Active Crew Members.
Tech Summit | Complete the Tech Tree.
The Beasts of Sunset | Conquer the Volgar.
The Sum | Conquer the Mechanists.
Tinman | Fully Augment an crewmember with Robotics.
To Distant Lands | Explore more dangerous regions with Storm Shields.
Top Tier | Achieve level 9 with a crew member.
Undead | Fully Augment an crewmember with Synthetics.
Wheel within a Wheel | Build Citadel Modules in every Slot in both Rings.