Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A + BFinish a boss using a Super Attack.
Beware Lawbreakers!Play as Casey Jones.
Biggest Fan!Find all cameos in Story Mode.
Breaking Out!Destroy 200 breakable objects.
Buffoons!Put an end to Bebop and Rocksteady's run in Story Mode.
Button MasherWin the mini-game in Coney Island.
Classic Couch MemoriesComplete the Arcade Mode in Multiplayer.
Clean Up in Aisle 4Stop Chrome Dome before he can rebuild the old Technodrome in Story Mode.
Come On!Got hit while performing a taunt.
Complete Cast!See all of the different endings in Story Mode.
Complete SeasonComplete the Story Mode.
Cowabunga It IsPerform a 250-hits string.
Empire Strikes OutRetreat the Triceraton empire in Story Mode.
Finally Getting Along!Cheer up Raphael while playing as Casey Jones.
INEFFECTIVE!Defeat the Rat King while using Splinter.
Kind BrotherRevive a teammate in multiplayer.
Like the Old Days!Complete the Arcade Mode on the hardest difficulty.
Master of One QuarterComplete the Arcade Mode without using a credit.
Mode 7Throw sixteen enemies toward the camera.
Most Fearsome Fighting Team!Complete a Stage in any mode in multiplayer.
MultitaskerComplete all of the special requests in Story Mode.
No need for Mutagen!Bring all characters to max Power Level in Story Mode.
Opening an Antique Store?Find five different collectibles in Story Mode.
Piped Piper!Trespass the royal grounds of NYC sewers and defeat the Rat King in Story Mode.
Pizza Time!Eat twenty pizzas.
Return to SenderDeflect ten projectiles.
Sharing is Caring!Cheer up the same teammate three times in a single stage.
Special ReportStop the rogue Channel six broadcast in Story Mode.
TeamworkPerform ten Team Attacks in multiplayer.
Who Needs A Dock?Defeat Super Shredder without being hit.