Achievement | How to unlock
Best Mead in Town | You have researched maximum mead level.
Dragon's Hangover | Cleared Level 10.
Dungeon is not an exception | Cleared Level 5.
Early Access Warrior | You have purchased Tavern Tycoon during its Early Access days. Thank you!
Everything is on special | Cleared Level 2.
Fresh Meat | Unknown.
Garden of Zen | Cleared Level 6.
Graveyard Happy Hour | Cleared Level 8.
In wine is wisdom | Cleared Level 1.
My tavern, my rules | Cleared Level 3.
Nothing is on special | Cleared Level 9.
Pirate Bay of Blue Seas | Cleared Level 7.
Time Paused | You have paused your game for the first time.
Winter is coming | Cleared Level 4.
Wise Men | You found the biggest secret of Tavern Tycoon.