Tales From The Dragon Mountain 2: The Lair (PC)


Various Achievements

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerFinish the game in any mode except Challenge.
Bronze DragonFind 6 Special items.
Chosen OneFinish the game without using Hints.
Golden DragonFind 20 Special items.
HeroFinish the game in Challenge mode.
Minigame ExpertSolve 12 Minigames without using Skip.
Minigame GeniusFinish the game without using Skip (solve all minigames)
Minigame PlayerSolve 1 Minigame without using Skip.
Minigame SolverSolve 6 Minigames without using Skip.
Silver DragonFind 12 Special items.
Stone DragonFind 1 Special item.
Story FollowerFinish the game without skipping dialogs.