Tales from Candlekeep: Tomb of Annihilation (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
"Fly, You Fools!"Destroy the Stone Juggernaut.
"Get Over Here!"With a party of 4, never let Kothar Pounce more than once during a Villain Phase.
AdventurerComplete all Story Quests and Side Quests on Normal Difficulty.
Apprentice CrafterCraft an item for the first time.
Artus Cimber: I am Legend!Craft all of Artus Cimber's Legendary items.
Asharra: I am Legend!Craft all of Asharra's Legendary items.
Bad IntentionsUnknown.
Big Enemy, Bigger ProblemsUnknown.
Birdsong: I am Legend!Craft all of Birdsong's Legendary items.
Crossing the MistUnknown.
Crowd ControlStun the Vegepygmy Chieftain and his 3 Vegepygmy Warriors in a single turn.
Death from AboveUnknown.
Dragonbait: I am Legend!Craft all of Dragonbait's Legendary items.
Ending the Death CurseUnknown.
Legendary CrafterCraft every item in the game.
Natural 20Roll a natural 20 for the first time.
Saviour of ChultComplete all Story Quests and Side Quests on Horrific Difficulty.
Seasoned AdventurerComplete all Story Quests and Side Quests on Hard Difficulty.
Small Enemy, Big ProblemsUnknown.
The Adventure BeginsUnknown.
The First GuardianUnknown.
The Green HagUnknown.
The HeroComplete Story Quest "Acererak's Crypt" with only one hero in your party.
The Second GuardianUnknown.
The Third GuardianUnknown.
Witch HuntUnknown.