Taimumari (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Follow the indicated steps to earn the corresponding Steam achievement. To view your achievement progress and stats, open the Steam client, select "Community", then search for the game hub for "Taimumari". Click the "View Stats" option in the drop down list, then select the option that displays the achievements for your account.

AchievementHow to unlock
Ain't scared of no explosionsFinish Explosion girl's level with rank "S" on normal difficulty or higher.
Bane of undeadFind and defeat secret boss.
Bomb disarmedDefeat Explosion Girl.
Collector of spellsCollect all types of spells.
Conqueror of the skiesFinish Rocketto's level with rank "S" on normal difficulty or higher.
Daring tomcatFind and defeat secret boss.
Defeat of the sistersDefeat Twosided.
Explosion's memoriesCollect all wrenches.
Fair LadyFinish Fallenstar's level with rank "S" on normal difficulty or higher.
Fallenstar's memoriesCollect all shields.
Final battleWin the final battle.
Find JjARFind him and let there be happiness.
Illusionary psychoDefeat Warai-kun.
Incredible victory!Finish the game on hardcore difficulty.
Killer butterflieKill butterflie.
KrakenDefeat Kraken.
Last standKill a boss while almost dead.
Mistress of skyDefeat Rocketto.
No help needed!Finish the game without buying upgrades on normal difficulty or higher.
Overabundance of livesGet more than 9 lives in normal or hardcore difficulty.
Rocketto's memoriesCollect all jars.
Sad sackDie 10 times.
Skyward heavenGet the true ending.
Skyward hellGet the evil ending.
Something unknownDefeat a magical square.
That's enough for me!Finish the game without buying lives on normal difficulty or higher.
Treasure hunterCollect 4 crystals.
Twosided's memoriesCollect all mirrors.
Vanquisher of wintersFinish Twosided girl's level with rank "S" on normal difficulty or higher.
Victory over a knightDefeat Fallenstar.
Victory!Finish the game on normal or hardcore difficulty.
When the enemy is youDefeat a doppelganger.