Tails of Iron (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A new Warchief risesDefeat Green Wart in Bloody Whisker Mode.
Become KingBecome King of the Rat Kingdoms.
Collect GoldCollect 20 Gold.
Collect Iron OreCollect 20 Iron Ore.
Collect Monster PartsCollect 50 Monster Parts.
Complete Arena FactionComplete all quests on the Arena Board.
Complete Elder FactionComplete all quests on the Elder Board in Longtail Village.
Complete Guard FactionComplete all quests on the Guard Faction Board in the Rat Fort.
Complete Ranger FactionComplete all quests on the Ranger Faction Board at the Rangers' Lodge.
Complete Redgi's ArmoryCollect all Weapons and Armors.
Complete the Chefs BookCollect all Ingredients in the Chefs Book.
Defeat 25 FrogsDefeat 25 Frogs in Battle.
Defeat 25 GrubsDefeat 25 Grubs in Battle.
Defeat 25 MozisDefeat 25 Mozis in Battle.
Defeat Avor Warden of the Northern WastesDefeat Avor Warden of the Northern Wastes in the tournament.
Defeat Ratnor RodentsonDefeat Ratnor Rodentson in the deeps of the Forbidden Crypts.
Defeat Rattus AugustailDefeat Rattus Augustail in the deeps of the Forbidden Crypts.
Discover the mystery of the Kings ChambersEnter the secret room in the Kings Chambers.
End of the MozisDefeat the Mozi Queen.
Fix the Travellers WagonFix the Travellers Wagon to allow him to continue on his journey.
King of KingsCollect all other Medals.
Kitchen Ready To CookRepair the Kitchen.
Meet the Creatures from the DeepMeet the strange new creatures underground.
Ranged WeaponReceive the first ranged weapon.
Rescue Redgi's BrothersRescue Redgi's brothers from the Frog clans.
Return Power To The DepthsReturn power to the bottom of the mines.
Return the StatuesReturn all Statues to their resting place.
Smithy Ready to CraftRepair the Smithy.
Throne Room Fit For A KingRepair the Throne Room.
Two Handed WeaponReceive the first two handed weapon.