Synthwave FURY (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
100K EliteReach 100,000 Points.
100X MULTIReach a 100x Multi.
10K Hi-Score!Reach 10,000 Points.
10X MULTIReach a 10x Multi.
20 DownKill twenty enemies.
250K EliteReach 250,000 Points.
25K OverloadReach 25,000 Points.
25X MULTIReach a 25x Multi.
50 DownKill fifty enemies.
50K EliteReach 50,000 Points.
50X MULTIReach a 50x Multi.
75X MULTIReach a 75x Multi.
APEX PREDATORSurvive for thirty minutes.
First KillKill an enemy.
Galactic HyperdrivePlay Rainbow Galactic Mode.
HOKKAIDODrive the Hokkaido.
Hi-Score!Reach 5,000 Points.
Highway ExtremeReach 1,000,000 Points.
Highway UltraReach 500,000 Points.
INTERCEPTORDrive the Interceptor.
PHOENIXDrive the Phoenix.
Polygon CruisePlay Standard Mode.
RoadsharkKill hundred enemies.
Roadtrip BeginsReach 1,000 Points.
SURVIVORSurvive for two minutes.
TERMINATED ULTRADie twenty times.
TERMINATORSurvive for five minutes.