Sweet Transit (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A scratchUnknown.
Bricks 1Produce 120 Bricks/min.
Bricks 2Produce 300 Bricks/min.
Bricks 3Produce 900 Bricks/min.
Cut Stone 1Produce 120 Cut Stone/min.
Cut Stone 2Produce 300 Cut Stone/min.
Cut Stone 3Produce 900 Cut Stone/min.
DieselBuild your first diesel train.
ExpansionFound three settlements with at least thousand inhabitants each.
Going OverBuild a bridge over rails.
GraduateFinish all of the tutorials.
Is it big enough?Unknown.
KnowledgeMore books about the trains.
Master of the demoComplete the demo content.
Only TownUnknown.
Population 1Reach population of 1000.
Population 2Reach population of 5000.
Population 3Reach population of 15000.
Population 4Reach population of 30000.
Settlement 1Have a settlement with population of 5000.
Settlement 2Have a settlement with population of 10000.
Settlement 3Have a settlement with population of 15000.
SpudThe spud life chose me.
SteamBuild your first steam train.
Strong BonesIt is almost proven that milk makes bones stronger.
The ColonyFound a second settlement in the colony.
The track laying machineHave 5000 pieces of rails.
TownFound your first town.
Trains 1Have five trains.
Trains 2Have fifty trains.
Trains 3Have hundred trains.
VillageFound your first village.
Wood 1Produce 120 Wood/min.
Wood 2Produce 300 Wood/min.
Wood 3Produce 900 Wood/min.
WorkforceBring workers to work.