Achievement | How to unlock
"Donations" | Accept a bribe.
Article 100 | Declare a state of emergency.
Chapter I: President Rayne | Completed Chapter I.
Chapter II: A New Sordland | Completed Chapter II.
Chapter III: Victim of Changes | Completed Chapter III.
Chapter IV: Checkmate | Completed Chapter IV.
Down with Rayne! | Cause a civil unrest in Sordland.
Drain the Swamp | Form the Anti-Corruption Police.
Freedom and Justice | Enter an alliance with the People's Freedom and Justice Party.
Frugal | Save at least five personal wealth points.
Grand National Assembly | Have your proposal reach 2/3rds majority.
Operation Bear Trap | Join the military operation against the BFF with Wehlen.
Prologue: Rise to Power | Completed the Prologue.
Purple Blood | Enter an alliance with the National Front Party.
Rightful Claim | Support the Valgslandian Invasion of Heljiland.
Sssh! | Form the Secret State Police.
The Constitution of '56 | Successfully amend the Constitution of Sordland.
This Can't Go On Like This, Anton | Break up with Monica.
United Against Capitalism | Join the Contanan Security Pact.
United Against Communism | Join the Arcasian Treaty Organisation.
We Are All Citizens Of Sordland | Form the Commission for Bludish Rights.
Yes I'm Alone But Then Again I Always Was | Have dinner by yourself.
Yollak Bluderat! | Cause a Bludish insurgency in Sordland.