Achievement | How to unlock
Amateur Survivor | Get to Lab 3 (Death Lab)
Armory | Craft 5 weapons
Automatic Firepower | Have 2 Sentry Guns up at once
Bomb! | Found a bomb!
Can't remember what it was like before | Survive 30 days
Can't touch this! | Get past the lasers
Can't touch this! | Complete The Great Escape with less than 600 damage taken
CCTV | Use a Camera
Epic 4 legged friends! | Uh oh...
Extermination | Clear 20 areas
Faster than a jiffy! | Complete The Great Escape within 40 mins
Found the super-secret-not-so-secret area! | Find the secret area
Gadgeteer | Use 10 Gadgets
Hand Cannon | Wield a Vendetta
Heartbroken | Destroy 5 hearts
I've solved it! | Get past the first gate
If I press this... | Press the button
In case of emergency | Kill 5 infected with an Axe
Is it water? | Grab the Mysterious Vial
It's been a while | Survive 10 days
It's over | Destroy the Source
Legendary Survivor | Clear Lab 10 (Death Lab)
Let's continue on foot... | Start The Great Escape
Maybe we shouldn't touch this with our hands... | Grab the Uranium Nugget
Not so dangerous | Survive a Danger Level 5 area
One by One | Kill 500 infected
One of those three | Find the locations for the secret labs
Perfect Run | Clear a node without losing anyone (4 Survivors)
Professional Survivor | Get to Lab 7 (Death Lab)
Red Sea | Kill 30 infected in one area
Silent but deadly | Kill 20 infected with melee weapons
Skilled | Get a Survivor to Level 5
Smarter than a 4 year old | Follow the basic instructions
Survived The Great Escape! | Survive The Great Escape
The Brainiac | Find the Scientist
This place is ours! | Successfully defend an area
Traveller | Drive to 10 locations
Untouchable | Survive an area with 4 Survivors without taking damage
We got backup! | Survive the first trap
Why is the red always the most important? | Grab the Red Keycard
You think that's a knife? This is a knife. | Wield a Katana