Achievement | How to unlock
10 Megabytes Of Raw Data | Collect all floppy disks.
A Surgeon's Merit Is Based On Speed | Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance in under 3 minutes.
About As Politically Correct As Fur | Give the patient a... scarf.
And They Said It Was Impossible! | Complete a procedure after being drugged and electrocuted. (Must be afflicted within 20 secs)
At Least He Won't Be Peeing Blood | Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance losing less than 600ml of blood.
Best Surgeon In The World | Get an A++ rating on all procedures.
Brainstorm | Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance in under 1 minute 15 seconds.
Butter Fingers | Lose every organ out of the back of the ambulance during the heart transplant.
Doctor Doctor, Give Me The News | Answer the phone.
Don't Be Such A Baby, Ribs Grow Back! | Completely smash up the rib cage.
Don't In-Test My Patience | Perform a double kidney transplant in under 2 minutes 50 seconds.
Flippin' The Bird | Show the patient your disdain.
Frikkin' Lasers | Complete a procedure using only the surgical laser.
Go For The Optics! | Perform "laser eye surgery".
Hammer Time | Lose 50,000ml of blood using the hammer.
How Long Can You Live Without A Brain? | Perform a brain transplant in under 1 minute.
I Immediately Regret This Decision | Electrocute and drug yourself at the same time.
I Should Never Have Doubted Myself | Get an A++ rating on a procedure.
I Think I've Got This | Perform a brain transplant.
I'm Sure He'll Live | Complete a procedure with less than 10ml of blood remaining.
It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know It | Perform a heart transplant.
Kali Mah! | Perform a heart transplant in under 2 minutes.
Keyhole Surgery | Completely remove the rib cage.
Life's Too Short | Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance in under 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Like A Wet Paper Towel | Throw the new heart away.
Like An Animal | Throw everything on the floor in the brain transplant surgery.
Mother Hen | Don't lose any tools out of the back of the ambulance.
Nigel The Secretary | Go about your secretarial duties.
Nigel You Bloody Hero | Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance losing less than 1200ml of blood.
Nine Nine Nine! | Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance.
One With The Speed Bumps | Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance losing less than 2000ml of blood.
Performance Anxiety | Perform a double kidney transplant losing less than 500ml of blood.
Performance Enhancer? | Complete a procedure after being drugged. (Must be drugged within 10 secs)
Pinky Swear | Make a promise with the ribcage.
Practically Licensed | Complete all procedures.
Shh I Doctor Now | Calm your patient.
Socialised Medicine! | Perform a heart transplant losing less than 1500ml of blood.
Spaaaaaace | Go where no surgeon has gone before.
Surgery Horns | Express your appreciation of the metal.
Surgetricity | Complete a procedure after being electrocuted. (Must be electrocuted within 10 secs)
Sweet Blasphemy | Perform a brain transplant losing less than 600ml of blood.
The Beat Of Your Heart | Replace the heart with something else.
There Is Nothing More To Teach... | Completed every achievement. Now go save lives!
Vworrrp Vworrrp | Create a Time Lord.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance.
What Have I Done?? | Lose the patient within 15 seconds.
When You Have No Choice But To Operate | Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance.
You've Got To Be Kid'n'ey! | Perform a double kidney transplant.