Achievement | How to unlock
Achiever (23) | Find all Perks.
Beacon of Hope (28) | (Secret)
Conqueror (19) | Defeat all Minibosses.
Consecration (12) | Survive your first horde.
Embrace (21) | Corrupt seven Abilities.
Hoarder (23) | Collect 500,000 Shards.
Lea'yi'elih & Zael'va'tielih (18) | Defeat Legion & Salvation.
One with the Void (21) | (Secret)
Perks are OP (17) | Equip three Perks simultaneously.
Power Overwhelming (17) | Unlock all Abilities.
Purification (12) | Defeat your first Miniboss.
Resist (25) | Destroy seven Elder Shards.
Scavenger (13) | Collect 10,000 Shards.
Science Prevails (19) | Destroy your first Elder Shard.
Technology Upgrade (12) | Equip your first Perk.
The Crawling Chaos (31) | (Secret)
True Believer (16) | Corrupt your first Ability.
Valkyrie Gift (10) | Unlock your first Ability.
X'zea'shia (17) | Defeat Hysteria.
Xea'sh'kaebt (15) | Defeat Dominion.