Stranger VR, The (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All Alone NowAdvance to Map 1.
Alpha DestroyerKill an Alpha.
Ancient LandAdvance to Map 8.
AntigodsKill a Zhar God.
Approaching the Inner SanctumAdvance to Map 11.
Collector KingBuy all weapons.
CollectorBuy more than three weapons.
CreatorBuy Shells or Grenades.
CustomerBuy a weapon.
Daemon HunterKill a Daemon.
Descent Through GodsAdvance to Map 5.
End of the CityAdvance to Map 6.
Entering the CityAdvance to Map 2.
Gargantuan Inner SanctumAdvance to Map 12.
Guardian HaterKill a Guardian.
History HaterKill a Proto Zhar.
Krull KillerKill a Krull.
Machine ConquererKill a Sentinel Machine.
Machinegun Zhar KillerKill a Zhar Destroyer.
RebornDie Once.
Ruins of Zhar GodsAdvance to Map 9.
Sinister KillerKill a Sinister.
Stranger SoldierKill a Flying Machine.
Super CollectorBuy more than ten weapons.
The City BattlefieldAdvance to Map 3.
The DestroyerKill a Gargantuan.
The Wolf PassageAdvance to Map 7.
Trees of ZhariaAdvance to Map 4.
Zhar DestroyerKill a Zhar Destroyer.
Zhar InteriorsAdvance to Map 10.