Steam Marines (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Alien DeathLose the game on the Alien Deck.
Armory DeathLose the game on the Armory Deck.
Bridge DeathLose the game on the Bridge Deck.
Brutal MarinesBeat the game on Brutal difficulty.
Command DeathLose the game on the Command Deck.
Easy MarinesBeat the game on Easy difficulty.
Engineering DeathLose the game on the Engineering Deck.
Hard MarinesBeat the game on Hard difficulty.
Hot ShotKill an enemy with a Lasershot.
Laser SquadHave a full squad with laser weapons.
Medical DeathLose the game on the Medical Deck.
No TicketKnock an enemy out into space.
Normal MarinesBeat the game on Normal difficulty.
SargeGet a marine to Sergeant rank.
Where's SargeHave a full squad of Sergeants.