Achievement | How to unlock
Alien Death | Lose the game on the Alien Deck.
Armory Death | Lose the game on the Armory Deck.
Bridge Death | Lose the game on the Bridge Deck.
Brutal Marines | Beat the game on Brutal difficulty.
Command Death | Lose the game on the Command Deck.
Easy Marines | Beat the game on Easy difficulty.
Engineering Death | Lose the game on the Engineering Deck.
Hard Marines | Beat the game on Hard difficulty.
Hot Shot | Kill an enemy with a Lasershot.
Laser Squad | Have a full squad with laser weapons.
Medical Death | Lose the game on the Medical Deck.
No Ticket | Knock an enemy out into space.
Normal Marines | Beat the game on Normal difficulty.
Sarge | Get a marine to Sergeant rank.
Where's Sarge | Have a full squad of Sergeants.