Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force (PC)

8472 Disguised as Boothby

First off, you need to have the Expansion Pack, so you can go to Virtual Voyager. Okay then, let's get to the point. If you have see the episode of Star Trek - Voyager where Species 8472 is training spys to infultrait Starfleet Command, you must know that they had one disguised as Boothby. If you don't know who that is, he is an old man that tends to the gardens at Starfleet Academy. Anyway, go to the holodeck on Deck 4 - Hazard Ops. In the Tranquil Gardens holodeck program on Virtual Voyager, you see Boothby walking around on the side of the area. I found this on the "Difficult" setting. It might work on other settings. I haven't tried it yet. When you see Boothby, shoot him. After one shot, he stays the same, but pulls out a phaser and shoots at you. Shoot him again, and he dies, but he comes back as an 8472. Then kill him, and that's it. But it's pretty cool, seeing as how only Bio-Hulks from Captain Proton are supposed to attack you.

Cheat Codes (demo version)

While playing a game, press ~ to display the console, then type "sv_cheats1" to enable cheat mode. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Effect - Code
Toggle God mode - god
999 health and armor - undying
No clipping - noclip
All weapons - give weapons
Hidden level - map _brig
Obtain indicated item - give [item name]

Cheat Mode

To bring up the console, type "~" while playing. Type "sv_cheats 1" in the console to activate cheat mode. Then type any of the codes below:

Cheat - Effect
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping
undying - 999 Armor, 999 Health
cg_thirdperson 1 - 3rd Person View
notarget - Invisible to Enemies
map # - Load Map # (See Below)
give # - Give Item # (See Below)

Map Names
BORG1 - The Rescue
BORG2 - Incursion
HOLODECK - Tactical Decision
VOY1 - Condition
VOY2 - Unavoidable Delays
VOY3 - Hazard Duty
VOY4 - Defense
VOY5 - Hazard Ops
STASIS1 - Data Retrieval
STASIS2 - Deep Echoes
STASIS3 - Encounters
VOY6 - Renewal
VOY7 - Union
VOY8 - Departure
SCAV1 - The Visit
SCAV2 - Dangerous Ground
SCAV3 - Conflicting Views
SCAV3b - Conflicting Views (pt 2)
SCAV4 - Disorder
SCAV5 - Infiltration
SCAVBOSS - The Hunter
VOY9 - Fallout
BORG3 - Proving Ground
BORG4 - Information
BORG5 - Covenant
BORG6 - Infestation
VOY13 - R and R
VOY14 - Visual Confirmation
VOY15 - Offense
DN1 - The Breach
DN2 - Command
DN3 - Primary Encounter
DN4 - The Skirmish
DN5 - Defensive Measures
TRAIN - Transit
DN6 - Attunement
DN8 - Array
VOY16 - Invasion
VOY17 - Decisions
FORGE1 - External Stimuli
FORGE2 - Matrix
FORGE3 - Onslaught
FORGE4 - Visual Magnitude
FORGE5 - Dissolution
FORGEBOSS - Command Decision
VOY20 - Epilogue

Give Items
Tetryon Disruptor
Compression Rifle
Scavenger Rifle
IMOD (infinity modulator)

Item names (demo version)

Use one of the following values with the "give [item name]" code:

Compression Rifle
Scavenger Rifle
Tetryon Disruptor

Level Codes

Open the console, type map, followed by a level code.

BORG1Level 01 - The Rescue
BORG2Level 02 - Incursion
BORG3Level 23 - Proving Ground
BORG4Level 24 - Information
BORG5Level 25 - Covenant
BORG6Level 26 - Infestation
DN1Level 30 - The Breach
DN2Level 31 - Command
DN3Level 32 - Primary Encounter
DN4Level 33 - The Skirmish
DN5Level 34 - Defensive Measures
DN6Level 35 - Attunement
DN8Level 36 - Array
FORGE1Level 39 - External Stimuli
FORGE2Level 40 - Matrix
FORGE3Level 41 - Onslaught
FORGE4Level 42 - Visual Magnitude
FORGE5Level 43 - Dissolution
FORGEBOSSLevel 44 - Command Decision
HOLODECKLevel 03 - Tactical Decision
SCAV1Level 15 - The Visit
SCAV2Level 16 - Dangerous Ground
SCAV3BLevel 18 - Conflicting Views Part 2
SCAV3Level 17 - Conflicting Views
SCAV4Level 19 - Disorder
SCAV5Level 20 - Infiltration
SCAVBOSSLevel 21 - The Hunter
STASIS1Level 09 - Data Retrieval
STASIS2Level 10 - Deep Echoes
STASIS3Level 11 - Encounters
VOY13Level 27 - R & R
VOY14Level 28 - Visual Confirmation
VOY15Level 29 - Offense
VOY16Level 37 - Invasion
VOY17Level 38 - Decisions
VOY1Level 04 - Condition
VOY20Level 45 - Epilogue
VOY2Level 05 - Unavoidable Delays
VOY3Level 06 - Hazard Duty
VOY4Level 07 - Defense
VOY5Level 08 - Hazard Ops
VOY6Level 12 - Renewal
VOY7Level 13 - Union
VOY8Level 14 - Departure
VOY9Level 22 - Fallout