Achievement | How to unlock
Alas poor Yorick | Kill Scar.
All quiet in the Zone | Kill Korshunov.
Apple-shot | Three precise shots at apples spared stalker lives and helped you win a twisted bandit's game.
BOOM! | Twenty enemies killed by blowing up the surroundings. Save on hand grenades and enjoy the fireworks.
Baptism by fire | Help Zalissya survive the Monolith attack. New generations of stalkers will have a place to stay.
Between the lines | The "Best reader" award. And reward.
Bingo | Experience the effects of bleeding, sleep, hunger, alcohol, radiation and psi. Doesn't sound pretty.
Bouncy | A successful jump from a 30-meter height. No parachute, though.
Brave new world | Korshunov sacrificed himself so that humanity could have a new future, free of doubt and the Zone.
Can opener | Use a knife to kill an enemy wearing an exoskeleton. Epic battle indeed.
Catching up | Shoot an incoming grenade to make it explode. Nice view!
Clincher | 100 enemies shot in the head. Not bad for a head start...
Coupons to burn | Spend over 1,000,000 coupons. Myklukha and Sidorovich will fight hard over their favorite customer.
Curiouser and curiouser! | Collect all arch-artifacts. A priceless collection, arguably too weird, even by Zone standards.
Doctor's oath | The mysterious Doctor had to reveal what he'd been hiding.
Eyes on the prize | Retrieve the stolen Scanner. Time to find out what is so special about it.
First touches | First equipment enhancement. Never the last, for most Zone folks.
Flash Royal | Gather all armor and gear enhancement flash drives.
Good hunting, stalker | Leave the Lesser Zone to go Scanner-hunting. More miracles await, and more dangers, too.
Goodnight | Get 20 covert kills. The Zone likes it quiet.
Goss | Join Stalkers for some campfire gossip.
House of glass | Witness the temple of science get destroyed.
I see you have many questions | Meet the C-Consciousness Representative. Didn't Strelok finish them off?
Keeping your hands steady | Shoot an enemy in the head, through an obstacle, having the intoxication effect.
Legends never die | Kill the Strelok.
Living legend | Meet Strelok. How was it, talking to a living legend?
Lockpick | Lure a mutant into an anomaly. Hardly a noble deed, but it gets the job done.
Loner shooter | Shoot an enemy in the head from 75 meters. No scope-peeking!
Merry-go-round | Drop a corpse into the Whirlgig anomaly. A joy for someone who never got to ride the Ferris Wheel.
Miracle hoarder | Collect all artifacts. What about arch-artifacts?
Monolith envoy | You know more than I do, envoy.
No obstacle too big... | Kill fifty enemies through obstacles. No one in the Zone is really safe.
On a leash | The Leash project experiments are finally over. Hopefully.
On the go | Bread and sausage - Zone's most popular sandwich recipe.
One awkward step | I am blind, but it's you who cannot see.
Peace and quiet | Kill everyone in the camp before the alarm is set off. They couldn't see it coming!
Personal approach | One fight, four enemies, killed by different weapons. That trick would charm the hell out of Mavka!
Project Y | Go through with Kaimanov's initial plan.
Proxy | Kill a squad that just finished off another squad and won the fight. Or so they thought…
Pump it up | Fully enhance any type of weapon. Somewhere out there, a Zone technician just shed a tear of pride..
Run, stalker, run! | That Chimera made you run like an Olympic champion!
Scanning complete | You were out looking for a scanner, but ended up collecting them all.
She will never be free | Strelok went into the pod to protect her. Always.
Stalker's smarts | Find a way to get the parts without sneaking into the warehouse.
Such is the will of the Monolith | Kill Faust.
Taking it for granted | Gear broken beyond repair. Don't forget to pay regular visits to the technician.
The Prypiat guardian | Meet Degtyarev in Prypiat. The toughest place in the Zone has the toughest-looking watchman.
The four winds | Unlock the whole map. Few folks know the Zone this well.
The good ol' days | Help Skadovsk get its name and rightful owners back.
The good, the bad and the ugly | Five headshots in ten seconds. Good eye.
Tit for tat | Sidorovich's worst nightmare: buy and sell goods for the exact same amount of coupons in one deal.
Today never ends | Scar went into the pod to rid the Zone of darkness.
Wardens drool | Save a bandit's life, get on the Ward's naughty list. Was it worth it?
Welcome to the Zone | Prologue complete, but this is so far from over.
Wiped out | Kill a Rodent using a grenade launcher. A good wipe-out makes the Duty proud.
Would you like some toast? | Meet Scar.
Your move! | Found a unique weapon designed for a kingpin. Checkmate!
Zone's deadliest predator | Kill a mutant of every kind. You'll need a bigger wall to fit all those trophies!