Achievement | How to unlock
A bomb? | Get killed by the suicide droid.
Audiophile | Obtain every audiolog.
Balls of Steel | Beat the game without dying.
Bibliophile | Obtain every page.
Breakfast is ruined | Boil away all the water and burn the toast.
Homer's Odyssey | Eat every donut.
Impulse 101 | Obtain every weapon.
Killing Spree | Destroy 3 bots in 2 seconds or less.
Mission Successful | Fly the Xanadu back to Earth.
Murderer | Destroy every cleaner bot.
Old School | Unlock the bonus mini-games.
Please put your seats in the upright position | Put every toilet seat up.
Sacrifice | Fly the Xanadu into a star.
Scanners | Scan the Xanadu with the Survey Bot.
Sign him up for the Knicks! | Score a basketball goal.
Silver Shower | Destroy a robot with the showers.
Smashed | Get drunk.
Speedrunner | Beat the game in 10 minutes or less.
Surgeon General's Warning | Smoke yourself to death.
The King of the Dead | Become king of the zombies.
Trumpet-Major | Experience an attack of flatulence.
Wasted | Get killed by the environment.
Xanadu Book Club | Find and read "The Unusual Death of Governor Li".
You don't have mail | Read every e-mail.
You've always been the caretaker… | Stay aboard the Xanadu.