Space Grunts (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Battle upUse the Battle suit
BerzerkerUse the Berzerker
Captain B-skinUnlock the Captain B-skin
Datacard collectorCollect all datacards
Escape Zombie attackEscape Zombie attack
Found an anomalyFind and use an anomaly
Found hidden Ancients gateUse the hidden ancients gate
Max upgrade fragsUpgrade the frag-based weapon to the max
Max upgrade plasmaUpgrade the plasma to the maximum
Max upgrade shellsUpgrade shell based weapon to the maximum
Moonbase 30Reach the moonbase in a Daily challenges 30 times
Reach laboratoriesReach the laboratories levels
Reach radiation zoneReach the radiation zone levels
Reach the other sideReach the other side
Reached moonbaseReach the moonbase
ReinforcementsCall for reinforcement
Strongarm B-skinUnlock the Strongarm B-skin
Survive Daily ChallengeSurvive the Daily Challenge
Survived as B-CaptainSurvive the game as B-Captain
Survived as B-StrongarmSurvive the game as B-Strongarm
Survived as B-TechjunkySurvive the game as B-Techjunky
Survived as CaptainSurvive the game as Captain
Survived as StrongarmSurvive the game as Strongarm
Survived as TechjunkySurvive the game as Techjunky
Survived the gameSurvived the game
Survived the Worm DimensionSurvive the Worm Dimension
Techjunky B-skinUnlock the Techjunky b-skin
Underground caveFind the underground cave
Use GaiaUse Gaia
Wiggle itComplete a level without shooting the worms
Zombie outbreakStart a zombie outbreak