Achievement | How to unlock
Bronze | Get 10,000 points in a single round.
Cannon Master | Destroy 300 enemy with Cannon.
Death Ray | Unlocked "Destroyer".
Eagle Strike | Unlocked "Striker".
Electric Gun Master | Destroy 300 enemy Electric Gun.
Fireball Master | Destroy 300 enemy with Fireball.
Gold | Get 100,000 points in a single round.
Light Sword Master | Destroy 300 enemy Light Sword.
Lightning Comes | Unlocked "Thunder".
Machine Gun Master | Destroy 300 enemy with Machine Gun.
Max Level | Upgrade wing plane to level 5.
Nail Bomb Master | Destroy 300 enemy Nail Bomb.
No.2011 | Destroy No.2011.
No.2307 | Destroy No.2307.
No.2610 | Destroy No.2610.
Railgun Master | Destroy 300 enemy Railgun.
Rainbow Master | Destroy 300 enemy Rainbow.
Shotgun Master | Destroy 300 enemy with Shotgun.
Silver | Get 50,000 points in a single round.
Six Walunts! | Unlocked "Defender".
Ultimate No.2011 | Destroy Ultimate No.2011.
Ultimate No.2307 | Destroy Ultimate No.2307.
Ultimate No.2610 | Destroy Ultimate No.2610.
Unbending | Failed 50 times.