Achievement | How to unlock
Creating one's own flower garden | How convenient
Delicious Little Pie | Now you're an interesting pie filling too
Find the Prince's intimate toys | Everyone has little secrets
Girl Power | We don't need men
In the King's Bed | You don't waste any time, do you?
Join the Astral Puppet Theater | The spectators love you!
Late Night Visit | Will you stay the night?
Nettain Unchained | Freedom… lovely freedom
Now you're horned | Not «horny»
Selfless Gardener | Roses are red, and you are dead
Soulless Majesty | No need for jesters now
Special Dish | Such an appetizing chick
Tasty Royal Treat | So yummy
Three heads are better than one | The more the merrier
Viva la revolucion! | Magma flows in our veins, and hearts!
Welcome to the Astral! | What a strange travel agency