Son of a Witch (PC)

Cheat Codes

To get to see all the items and weapons, you can use the cheat codes to create them.
Press T to start chat and type /dm1
This will enter the "developer mode". You can then use commands to spawn weapons, items and potions: /weapons /items /potions. To warp to shops and NPCs, use /shop and /quest. Type /help to get a list of all possible commands.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
ArcherKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Archer
Archer's questFetch arrows
AthleteScore 500+ in the long jump competition
BanditDefeat a shop guard
BarbarianKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Barbarian
BodyguardProtect the princess
BombermanKill five enemies with one bomb
BuffedGet magic, melee or archery skill to 1000%
BurglarBlast 20 doors with bombs
ChallengerScore 100000 points in a daily challenge
ComebackReach the Eye of Ramana room with the Skeleton hero
CompendiumComplete the barbarian challenge II
ConnoisseurBlindly taste all the potions
CursedComplete the barbarian challenge VII
DevastatorKill 50 enemies with bombs
Double backDrink two beers in a row
DraculaRaise 10 vampiresses from the dead
Dragon SlayerDefeat a dragon
Drink all potionsComplete the barbarian challenge V
DruidKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Druid
ExecutionExecute the Executioner
Expert SwordsmanKill 100 enemies with a sword
ExterminatorStomp all pests in the garden
Eye of RamanaHelp the Skeleton Ranger
FoxyMake the fox unlock 10 chests
Friends till the endRide a boar through all 7 levels
GeneralHave one of your summoned guards survive 10 battles
Gold RushHave 50000 gold
GoldsmithHave 10000 gold
GoliathKill a boss in one hit
GonzalesWin the regular game in 30 minutes
Green FlameShoot poisonous fireballs
Happy New YearBanish the evil Santa
Head startComplete the barbarian challenge I
HealerUse the healing staff
I am the KingComplete the barbarian challenge IV
I'll be backDie five times
In a RushReach the Dungeon in less than 5 minutes
It's hammer timeKill 100 enemies with a hammer
King ArthurObtain the Excalibur
KnightKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Knight
LocksmithUnlock 20 doors/chests in regular game
Lord of ThunderKill 7 enemies with a single lightning bolt
Lost petLead the duck to its owner
Magic CastersComplete the barbarian challenge VI
Mana ManAccumulate 200 mana
MarksmanKill ten enemies with a single arrow
Master BlasterComplete the barbarian challenge III
Master of archeryBeat hard mode with an archer
Master of magicBeat hard mode with a magic hero
Master of meleeBeat hard mode with a melee hero
Merchant of DeathKill a Bushido with a melee weapon that's on sale
MongooseBuild up poison resistance to 30
NecromancerRaise the undead 50 times
One shotComplete the barbarian challenge XII
Orb RainShoot 8 orbs at once
OverdriveComplete the barbarian challenge VIII
PersistentPlay 10 games
PetrificationTurn 5 enemies into stone
Piece of cakeComplete the casual / party game
PlayerPlay 100 games
PoisonedComplete the barbarian challenge X
PrologueComplete the tutorial level
PyromanSet 300 enemies on fire
PyromancerKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Pyromancer
Safety escortLead Amanda to the pyromancer
ShamanKill 10 enemies by hitting a Voodoo Doll
SharpshooterKill 100 enemies with arrows
ShepherdKill the War Sheep boss
ShortcutUse the Vampiress shortcut and kill the final boss
SkeletonKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Undead Ranger
SorceressKill the Dragon Master in regular game with the Sorceress
SuccessionHelp the evil princess take over the throne
SuicideKill yourself via voodoo doll
SurgeonBuild up a 30x combo with the Barbarian Axe
SurvivalComplete the barbarian challenge XI
TakeoverKnock the Dragon Master off his mount and ride it yourself
Tomb raiderVisit every room in the old catacombs
TrollingComplete the barbarian challenge IX
Undead FriendRaise the same undead servant 10 times
UndertakerEnter the catacombs from the dungeon
Veterinary PhysicianRevive a dead mount
VictoryComplete the regular game
Who's the boss now?Defeat Ogre Mama
Zoo DirectorHave 20 pets