Achievement | How to unlock
Always Greener | While in Tall Grass, kill 50 Soldiers.
B-Movie | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Complete the mission with a 2 star rating.
Blast from the Past | Infiltrate Fort Rouge and escape before Allied bombers level the site.
Blaze of Gory | Kill 50 enemies with Traps.
Blockbuster | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Complete the mission on Authentic difficulty.
Bomb Squad | Ensure Allied secrets remain unknown and confirm the location of Site D.
Brothers in Arms | Play one team-based PVP match.
Climbing the Ranks | Reach rank 40.
Crème de la Crème | Complete the entire campaign on Authentic difficulty.
Dam Buster | Sabotage the Dam and destroy the AA guns.
Das Nuts! | Get a testicle shot with a Rifle from a distance of 100 meters or more.
Eyes on the Prize | Kill 150 enemies with any weapon while in Iron Sights.
Fast and Fuhrer-less | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Kill only Hitler and exfiltrate.
File O' Facts | Recover all evidence implicating Resistance members within the Library in Dead Drop.
Finders Keepers | Kill 50 enemy soldiers with Found Weapons.
Full English | Complete 11 Optional objectives.
Going the Distance | Total kill distance of 100,000 meters.
Grapes of Wrath | Infiltrate the V1 rocket launch site and destroy the Zugwerfer.
Gunslinger | Kill 150 enemies with a Pistol.
He did Nazi-it Coming | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Kill Hitler at a distance of 250 meters or more.
Hold the Line | Defeat an invading Sniper Jager.
Hostile Takeover | Win one Axis Invasion as an Invader.
In The Dead Of Reich | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Kill Hitler and exfiltrate without ever being detected.
Industrial Action | Destroy the underground chemical weapons plant and cease Kleine Blume production.
Innovator | Interact with 22 Workbenches.
Jack of All Trades | Get a kill with 20 different Weapons.
Just a Scratch | Complete any mission, excluding Mission 1 and Mission 9, on any difficulty without healing.
Knives for a Pro | Perform 100 lethal Takedowns.
Le Fantôme | Achieve 250 Ghost Kills.
Lost its way Gnome | Find the French Resistance Gnome and take a Picture.
Master-at-arms | Become the Master of each Weapon.
Mastermind | Headshot Kruger.
Mein Juewel | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Kill Hitler with a testicle shot.
Open Surgery | Hit every Organ at least once with a Rifle.
Pen Pal | Collect 35 Personal Letters.
Pistol Perfectionist | Obtain Six Pistol-related Mastery Medals.
Propaganda Machine | Complete all Propaganda missions with a 3 star rating on Authentic difficulty.
Propagandist | Complete all Propaganda missions with a 3 star rating.
Revered with Rifles | Obtain Seven Rifle-related Mastery Medals.
Scoping Mechanism | Kill 150 enemies with a Rifle while in Iron Sights.
Secondary Supremacy | Obtain Eight Secondary-related Mastery Medals.
Set to Blow | Kill 20 soldiers using Booby traps.
Sharpshooter | Kill 350 enemies with a Rifle.
Silent but Deadly | Kill 50 enemies during a Sound Mask.
Skirmisher | Kill 300 enemies with a Secondary Weapon.
Spread Your Wings | Destroy 21 Dead-eye Targets.
Sprung a Leak | Sabotage the Dam's pump room in Collision Course.
Stopping Traffic | Destroy the Trucks carrying Kleine Blume ingredients in Devil's Cauldron.
Survivalist | Complete an entire Survival mission.
Tactician | Make a Tank shoot and destroy another enemy Vehicle.
Take 5, and... ACHTUNG! | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Kill Hitler 5 times.
Tanks for Nothing! | Destroy the Panzer Tank in End of the Line.
That's a Wrap! | Lights, Camera, ACHTUNG! - Complete the mission.
The Big Guns | Kill 50 soldiers with Heavy weapons.
Three Birds, One Stone | Kill 3 on-foot soldiers with one Grenade.
Top Secret | Collect 35 Classified Documents.
Trainwreck | Raid the Hotel Terminus and sabotage the Sonderzüge.
Treasure Hunter | Collect 22 Hidden Items.
Vive La Résistance | Complete the campaign.
Welcome to the Resistance | Find the Mole and uncover the Superweapon plot.
Whatever it Takes | Stop the Zugwerfers from leaving and obliterating the D-Day landings.