Snake Cubed (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AnacondaLong Snake you got there.
ArachnafoodiaYou ate a spider!! Yummy!!
Bonus SnakeTwo Rats Achieved.
FruitarianYou ate an apple!! Yum!!
Hungry Hungry SnakeOver 500 rats eaten.
HypersnakeHypercube Level Unlocked.
I Touch MyselfYou touched yourself!!
InsecticideOver 50 spiders eaten.
Kill frenzyKilled 5 rats in under 3 seconds.
Mouse RatFirst Rat Achieved.
Rat Muncher!!You ate a Rat!! Gnarly!!
Slytherin GraduateCompleted all levels.
The Early Bird Gets the SnakeCaught by an eagle.
Threes CompanyThree Rats Achieved.
Toad KingOver 50 frogs eaten.
Toad the wet sprocketYou ate a frog!! Delicious!!
Welcome to Snake CubedYou launched the game!! Good Job!!