Smith and Winston (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Arcade JokeyArcade score more than 100,000.
Arcade RaidArcade score more than 400,000.
Arcade RugratArcade score more than 50,000.
Block dropperSolve the block puzzle in Back to the Daylight.
Block PusherSolve the block puzzle in Sunshine and Flowers.
Block PusherSolve the block pusher puzzle in Silent City.
Boom AbuseThrow a lot of grenades.
Boom Ten RatsThrow ten grenades.
Borked ChopYou defeat the Chopper Boss.
Can never have to many livesPick up 5 extra lives.
Column RaiseLift all Columns in The Sky Ways.
Dropper of BlocksSolve the block puzzle in Silent City.
Floating MinerGrab one floating gold cube.
Floating Miner QuintupleGrab 5 floating gold cubes.
Floating Miner TripleGrab three floating gold cubes.
Flynn's QuestArcade score more than 800,000.
Head HonchoCollect 10 helmets.
Head HunterCollect 5 helmets.
Head of the packCollect 20 helmets.
Kill 10 EnemiesYou killed 10 enemies.
Kill 100 enemiesYou killed 100 enemies.
Kill 20 EnemiesYou killed 20 enemies.
Kill 200 enemiesYou killed 200 enemies.
Kill 50 enemiesYou killed 50 enemies.
Kill 500 enemiesYou killed 500 enemies.
Kill 75 enemiesYou killed 75 enemies.
Killer of VOIDYou defeated the VOID.
King of helmetsCollect all the helmets.
King of the floatersGrab a lot of floating gold cubes.
King of the minersMine a lot of cubes.
Life AffirmingPic kup 10 extra lives.
LiferPick up a lot of extra lives.
Lost training wheelsYou completed basic training.
MinerMine one gold cube.
Miner FiftyMine fifty gold cubes.
Miner FiverMine five gold cubes.
Miner TwentyMine twenty gold cubes.
Only Way Is UpYou fell of the world.
Our KellyYou Fell of the world 20 times.
Secret BeaverFound the second secret area.
Secret CandyDiscover the secret Candy area.
Secret ChalkDiscover the secret Chalk and Flowers.
Secret MazeDiscover the Maze secret area.
Secret OcelotFound the third secret area.
Secret RambutanFound the fourth secret area.
Secret SnowmanDiscover secret snow area in Hanging Rock.
Secret SquirrelFound the first secret area.
Spare lifePick up one extra life.
Through the hoopJump through all the hoops in Chalk and Flowers.
Who is the Bunker Boss NowDefeat the Bunker Boss.