Slater, The (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Boobsies Club MasterComplete level 3 as Stealth Master.
Call repairmanSabotage ventilation system.
Chit-chatChat with street bum.
Ciccio's Spa MasterComplete level 4 as Stealth Master.
Dead endComplete the game.
Death to dealersComplete level 1.
EngineerShut down a metal detector.
GardenerStart a lawn mower.
Got itComplete level 5.
Grand theft autoTrigger a car alarm.
HunterShoot a bird.
JunkieKill a junkie.
Let's cookDress as lab worker.
Mad Marco's MasterComplete level 1 as Stealth Master.
No more scienceComplete level 4.
Party hardGet party invitation without a kill.
PoisonerPoison a drink.
Rodent controlShoot a rat.
SaboteurSabotage all security cameras in a level.
The Dungeon MasterComplete level 5 as Stealth Master.
The Kellers MasterComplete level 2 as Stealth Master.
The last danceComplete level 3.
The party's overComplete level 2.
True observerEnter a secret observation room.
Vindict Hotel MasterComplete level 6 as Stealth Master.
What the?Trigger police station upstairs alarm.
You asked for itKill a rat.