Achievement | How to unlock
A Game of Gnomes | You found 25 garden gnomes.
Beginner's Luck | Your account has reached more than 1 million $.
Financial Cushion | There are more than 5 million $ on your account.
Financial Folly | You managed to reach a negative balance on your very first day.
Fresh Hotelier | You bought your first hotel.
Global Happiness | All target groups have reached a happiness of at least 50%.
Halfling Gnome | You found half of all the garden gnomes.
Icicle Rampage | You smashed 50 icicles by throwing snowballs at them.
Longplayer | Your playing time in a single savegame has reached over 10 hours.
Manager of the Year | Your popularity has reached 100%.
Master of Stations | You own all the ski region's stations.
Mission Master | You have completed 50 missions.
Mobile Manager | You have covered more than 100 miles with vehicles.
Out of Debt | You paid back the entire bank loan.
Savior of Gnomes | You found all the garden gnomes in the ski region.
Snow to Gold | Your wealth has surpassed 10 million $.
Swamped! | More than 3000 guest have visited your ski region in one day.
Very Frequent Driver | Your total driving distance has increased to over 1000 miles.