Sims 4, The (PC)

Buff Types (Mood Buffs)

These are mood buffs available to be used with the "sims.add_buff" cheat command.

AGreatScare_GreatStoryteller+2 Happy / 4 Hours
ASillyScare_GreatStoryteller+2 Playful / 4 Hours
CampingForest_LovesOutdoors_Rejuvenated+2 Happy / 2 Days
CampingForest_Refreshed+1 Happy / 2 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Elated+5 Happy / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Fearless+5 Confident / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Imaginative+5 Inspired / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_InTheZone+5 Focused / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Passionate+6 Flirty / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Silly+5 Playful / 20 Days
ConstellationFormations+1 Focused / 6 Hours
HappilyEverAfter_GreatStory+2 Happy / 4 Hours
HerbalistPotion_DisgustingLiquid+2 Uncomfortable / 1 Hour
InspirationalMoral_GreatStoryteller+2 Inspired / 4 Hours
MagicIsReal_GreatStoryteller+3 Inspired / 4 Hours
SpineTinglingThrill_GreatStoryteller+3 Inspired / 4 Hours
TalesoftheDead_GreatStoryteller+2 Happy / 4 Hours
TreasuredTale_GreatStoryteller+3 Energized / 4 Hours
WalleyeSurprise_Inspired+1 Inspired / 6 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Bronze+1 Confident / 4 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Gold+3 Confident / 4 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Silver+2 Confident / 4 Hours


Activate the "testingcheats" code and enter the following codes (without the quotes) at the console window to enable the corresponding career.

Promote Sim in Current Career:
Enter 'Careers.promote (career name)'

Demote Sim in Current Career:
Enter 'Careers.demote (career name)'

Adds a Career:
Enter 'Careers.add_career (career name)'

Remove a Career:
Enter 'Careers.remove_career (career name)'

Raise Child's Grade by One Letter:
Enter 'Careers.promote Gradeschool'.

Raises a Teen's Grade by One Letter:
Enter 'Careers.promote Highschool'.

Cheat Codes

Press Ctrl + Shift + C Type the Cheat/Command into the text box that appears, and then hit ENTER.

All homes are temporarily free while the cheat is active. Enter cheat in the Neighborhood screen. If purchased, beware of the Taxes in these lotsfreerealestate on/off
Displays available commandshelp
Enable/Disable cheatstestingcheats on/off
Exits the gamequit
Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloonshideheadlineeffects [on/off]
Provides 1,000 Simoleonskaching/rosebud
Provides 50,000 Simoleonsmotherlode
Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smithresetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)
Toggles fullscreenfullscreen
Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left cornerfps [on/off]

Cheat Codes used with: 'testingcheats on'

These codes require activating the testingcheats code, and then shift-clicking on a Sim or object or on the ground for the Teleport Sim option.

Adds the selected Sim to the current householdAdd to Family
Edit selected Sim in Create-a-Sim, except for his or her name and inherited traitsModify in CAS
Fills all bars and gives selected Sim a happy moodCheat Motive, Make Happy
Motives behave normallyCheat Motive, Enable Motive Decay
Motives freezeCheat Motive, Disable Motive Decay
Resets the selected Sim or objectReset Object
Teleports a Sim to the selected pointTeleport Sim
The object will become cleanMake Clean
The object will become dirtyMake Dirty

Console Cheats (CTRL + SHIFT + C)

Using the console you can enter the codes below for this cheat, this requires "Testing Cheats". This will automatically set the skill level of your current active Sim. Make sure to replace the [skill] with the available options below followed by the level you wish to set it to. stats.set_skill_level [skill] [level] Example: stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Logic 8 Result: Will set your Logic skill to Level 8.

Selects the Charisma SkillAdultMajor_Charisma
Selects the Comedy SkillAdultMajor_Comedy
Selects the Cooking SkillAdultMajor_HomestyleCooking
Selects the Fishing SkillAdultMajor_Fishing
Selects the Fitness SkillSkill_Fitness
Selects the Gardening SkillAdultMajor_Gardening
Selects the Gourmet Cooking SkillAdultMajor_GourmetCooking
Selects the Guitar SkillAdultMajor_Guitar
Selects the Handiness SkillAdultMajor_Handiness
Selects the Logic SkillAdultMajor_Logic
Selects the Mischief SkillAdultMajor_Mischief
Selects the Mixology SkillAdultMajor_Bartending
Selects the Painting SkillAdultMajor_Painting
Selects the Piano SkillAdultMajor_Piano
Selects the Programming SkillAdultMajor_Programming
Selects the Reaping SkillAdultMajor_Reaping
Selects the Rocket Science SkillAdultMajor_RocketScience
Selects the Video Gaming SkillAdultMajor_VideoGaming
Selects the Violin SkillAdultMajor_Violin
Selects the Writing SkillAdultMajor_Writing

Get to Work Perks Cheats

These codes require you to enable testingcheats. These will unlock perks used in retail stores, so make sure you are actively using the sim(s) that own said retail store.

Additional Employee #1bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true
Additional Employee #2bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true
Cheaper Restockingbucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true
Curious Shopperbucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true
Faster Checkouts (large)bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true
Faster Checkouts (small)bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true
Faster Restocking (large)bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true
Faster Restocking (small)bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true
Instant Restockingbucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true
Mega Managerbucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true
Placard: Fobbs 500bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true
Placard: My First Simoleonbucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true
Provocative Pedestalbucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true
Register of Tomorrowbucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true
Serious Shopperbucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true
Slick Salesmanbucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true
Snazzy Shirtbucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true
Stunning Signbucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true
Superfluous Surplusbucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true
Sure Salebucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true

Growing Cow Plants

To grow the special Cow Plant, you must first acquire a rare Cow Plant seed. They can be found by traveling to the Desert Bloom lot in Oasis Springs, then move toward the public space behind the park where there is a rock canyon leading to a boarded up cave entrance. Along the rock walls are tiny ponds that are the source of the shallow stream.Fish at this area to eventually get a Cow Plant seed. Once you have a Cow Plant seed, return to your Sim's home lot. Drag the seed from your inventory onto the ground where you want to plant it. Once it is planted, make sure to water it daily, and eventually it will grow to full size. If the mound of dirt at the base turns light brown, it means the soil is dry and needs watering. A fully grown Cow Plant is a dangerous creature. They generate rejuvenating milk after eating Sims that are fooled by their false cake
tongues. Additionally, make sure to keep feeding your Cow Plant meat when it is fully grown or else it may die. The Cow Plant was first introduced in The Sims 2.

How to Get Writer's Block

Sometimes, getting over the first hurdle in the writing aspiration, Bestselling Author, where your character must get writer's block can be extremely complicated. However, you can pass this easily by using the "motives remain static" cheat above and then practice writing for about 6-24 hours.

Interaction Cheats

While in the cheats console, pressing SHIFT+] can also increase the size of objects. If you enable additional cheats using the testingcheats true code and then type in cas.fulleditmode, you will enable all CAS abilities. Then you can press and hold SHIFT while clicking on the objects listed below to produce a menu that lets you select the corresponding effect.

Dirty ObjectMakes object clean
Dirty-able ObjectMakes object dirty
GroundTeleports your Sim to that vicinity
MailboxResets mailbox
ObjectResets object
SimAdd the Sim to the current family (Add to Family)
SimAll motives are full and mood is Happy (Cheat Motive > Make Happy)
SimAllows Sim to be modified, except name and inherited traits (Modify in CAS)
SimMotives change dynamically (Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay)
SimMotives remain static (Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay)
SimReset a Sim (Reset Object)