Code | Effect
AGreatScare_GreatStoryteller | +2 Happy / 4 Hours
ASillyScare_GreatStoryteller | +2 Playful / 4 Hours
CampingForest_LovesOutdoors_Rejuvenated | +2 Happy / 2 Days
CampingForest_Refreshed | +1 Happy / 2 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Elated | +5 Happy / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Fearless | +5 Confident / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Imaginative | +5 Inspired / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_InTheZone | +5 Focused / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Passionate | +6 Flirty / 20 Days
CheatingIntensityBuff_Silly | +5 Playful / 20 Days
ConstellationFormations | +1 Focused / 6 Hours
HappilyEverAfter_GreatStory | +2 Happy / 4 Hours
HerbalistPotion_DisgustingLiquid | +2 Uncomfortable / 1 Hour
InspirationalMoral_GreatStoryteller | +2 Inspired / 4 Hours
MagicIsReal_GreatStoryteller | +3 Inspired / 4 Hours
SpineTinglingThrill_GreatStoryteller | +3 Inspired / 4 Hours
TalesoftheDead_GreatStoryteller | +2 Happy / 4 Hours
TreasuredTale_GreatStoryteller | +3 Energized / 4 Hours
WalleyeSurprise_Inspired | +1 Inspired / 6 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Bronze | +1 Confident / 4 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Gold | +3 Confident / 4 Hours
WeenieRoastHost_Silver | +2 Confident / 4 Hours
Effect | Code
All homes are temporarily free while the cheat is active. Enter cheat in the Neighborhood screen. If purchased, beware of the Taxes in these lots | freerealestate on/off
Displays available commands | help
Enable/Disable cheats | testingcheats on/off
Exits the game | quit
Hides all Sim overhead effects such as plumbob, thought balloons and speech balloons | hideheadlineeffects [on/off]
Provides 1,000 Simoleons | kaching/rosebud
Provides 50,000 Simoleons | motherlode
Reset your sim. Ex. resetsim Bob Smith | resetsim (sims first name) (sims lastname)
Toggles fullscreen | fullscreen
Turns the frame rate display in the bottom left corner | fps [on/off]
Effect | Code
Adds the selected Sim to the current household | Add to Family
Edit selected Sim in Create-a-Sim, except for his or her name and inherited traits | Modify in CAS
Fills all bars and gives selected Sim a happy mood | Cheat Motive, Make Happy
Motives behave normally | Cheat Motive, Enable Motive Decay
Motives freeze | Cheat Motive, Disable Motive Decay
Resets the selected Sim or object | Reset Object
Teleports a Sim to the selected point | Teleport Sim
The object will become clean | Make Clean
The object will become dirty | Make Dirty
Effect | Code
Selects the Charisma Skill | AdultMajor_Charisma
Selects the Comedy Skill | AdultMajor_Comedy
Selects the Cooking Skill | AdultMajor_HomestyleCooking
Selects the Fishing Skill | AdultMajor_Fishing
Selects the Fitness Skill | Skill_Fitness
Selects the Gardening Skill | AdultMajor_Gardening
Selects the Gourmet Cooking Skill | AdultMajor_GourmetCooking
Selects the Guitar Skill | AdultMajor_Guitar
Selects the Handiness Skill | AdultMajor_Handiness
Selects the Logic Skill | AdultMajor_Logic
Selects the Mischief Skill | AdultMajor_Mischief
Selects the Mixology Skill | AdultMajor_Bartending
Selects the Painting Skill | AdultMajor_Painting
Selects the Piano Skill | AdultMajor_Piano
Selects the Programming Skill | AdultMajor_Programming
Selects the Reaping Skill | AdultMajor_Reaping
Selects the Rocket Science Skill | AdultMajor_RocketScience
Selects the Video Gaming Skill | AdultMajor_VideoGaming
Selects the Violin Skill | AdultMajor_Violin
Selects the Writing Skill | AdultMajor_Writing
Effect | Code
Additional Employee #1 | bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_1 true
Additional Employee #2 | bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWorker_2 true
Cheaper Restocking | bucks.unlock_perk DescreaseRestockingCost true
Curious Shopper | bucks.unlock_perk CustomerBrowseTime true
Faster Checkouts (large) | bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Large true
Faster Checkouts (small) | bucks.unlock_perk CheckoutSpeed_Small true
Faster Restocking (large) | bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Large true
Faster Restocking (small) | bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true
Instant Restocking | bucks.unlock_perk InstantRestock true
Mega Manager | bucks.unlock_perk ImproveManagementSocials true
Placard: Fobbs 500 | bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_2 true
Placard: My First Simoleon | bucks.unlock_perk StorePlacard_1 true
Provocative Pedestal | bucks.unlock_perk PedestalMimic true
Register of Tomorrow | bucks.unlock_perk RegisterMimic true
Serious Shopper | bucks.unlock_perk CustomerPurchaseIntent true
Slick Salesman | bucks.unlock_perk ImproveRetailSocials true
Snazzy Shirt | bucks.unlock_perk RetailOutfit true
Stunning Sign | bucks.unlock_perk SignageMimic true
Superfluous Surplus | bucks.unlock_perk DecreaseRestocking_Temporary true
Sure Sale | bucks.unlock_perk SureSaleSocial true