Sid Meier's Pirates (PC)

Achieve Rank of Duke With All Nations

Simply attack a town and defeat all of the enemy?s soldiers, then place a governor in charge, visit him and you will be promoted. Then leave the town and immediately attack it again and install a different governor, this will have the
effect of making that nation very happy and promoting you up a level. Simply repeat the process until you a a Duke with every nation. It also has the added bonus of increasing the amount of land that you own. Just make sure you have
enough troops to begin with.

Bailando (Dancin') Tips

When dancing there are some simple rules the game obeys unless you are playing on Swashbuckler. All moves come in either a series of two or four. Here are the patterns:

Right Left Right Left Right Left
Right turn right Right turn right, repeat
Forward turn left Forward turn left, repeat
Back turn right Back turn right, repeat

Forward Back Left Left, Back Forward Right Right.
Forward Left, Back Right, Forward Left, Back Right.

On Swashbuckler the dancing moves are completely random. Also, on Rogue, the song will repeat itself after one time through unless you completely max out the daughter's heart, any time that happens the next move is the last, you'll know because you will stop zooming in and the heart will beat extremely rapidly.

Double Shot

When choosing ammo type select the chain balls. Then, directly after firing, click round balls and you will fire both of these ammo types in the same shot.

Easy dance sequences

Press [Pause/Break] when your dance partner gives you a hand signal for you to move. Then, quickly resume the game and press the correct direction key.

easy items

When you have alot of money and time go into a port and go to the tavern. After that go to the travaler in the back of the room and buy his idem or infomatision then set sail then go back into port and repeat as much as wanted WARNING your crew will some times leave you if you dont plunder here and there (same with merchant)

Easy sea battles

When battling other ships, get in front of them. Have them chase you, and when your guns are fully loaded, turn, fire, and straighten again. Repeat this until you wish to board or their sail falls and they surrender. It is best done when you use grape shot or chain shot.

Easy Specialists

Attacking and boarding a smuggler's vessel usually yields a specialist (Carpenter, Sail maker, etc.)


To win in a sword fight go for speed (Rapier and special swords). When your opponent goes for attack move PRESS 4. Your speed should beat your nearly all the time. Draw the remainder. Your opponent has no chance to counter.

Mysterious Sid

In rare and random occasions, the Mysterious Traveler at the back of the tavern will instead be Sid Meier, the executive producer of the game. He will be most distinct, as he lacks the trademark beard of the other mysterious travelers. He otherwise acts just like a normal Mysterious Traveler.

No easter eggs here, matey

Open up the Piratopedia and look up the entry for St. Eustatius. Early in the entry the word 'Eastern' is used and only the 'Easter' part of it is a hyperlink. Click it to access a hidden page that firmly denies the existence of any easter eggs in Sid Meier's Pirates.

Pirate-O-Pedia Easter Eggs

There are a number of hidden pages in the Pirate-O-Pedia. They are: Dread Pirate Chris - Navigating to the Campeche page and click the last full stop after the word 'here'. Frank the Green Monkey - Navigate to the Florida Keys page and click on the last full stop after the word 'sell'. Dead Money - Navigate to the Maracaibo page and click on the last full stop after the word 'you'. The Sprinkler - Navigate to the San Juan page and click on the last full stop after the word 'enforced'.

Talk Like a Pirate Day

When the data of the computer is set to September 19th (International Talk Like a Pirate Day), everyone will talk differently in the game. You will become ye. Avast, Shiver me timbers, and Arr will punctuate every other sentence. Nothing like a beautiful daughter of a governer talkin in pirate! The dialogue is noticably different from the standard fare. Even in the menus and the narrator.