Shieldwall Chronicles: Swords of the North (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AvengerAvenge those murdered by vampires at the tavern by killing the elder vampire.
BetrayerTurn on the dwarves and kill their leader.
Death DealerVanquish the Grave Warden.
Demon HunterDestroy the Spider Demoness.
Deus Vult!Help the crusaders destroy the Sylvan Elves.
Dragon FireSurvive long enough to placate the mountain dragon.
Final DeathDefeat the death mage and kill all of his zombies.
First BloodKill your first enemy in combat.
Goblin SlayerKill the Goblin warlord.
Heavy HitterInflict 75 or more damage in a single melee attack.
JourneymanMake your way to Thanisport.
Lich SlayerCleanse the mountain of the undead by killing the Lich Lord.
Lizard's BaneSlay a lizardman hero in combat.
Mind ManipulationControl 10 enemies using the mind control ability.
Rat CatcherKill 30 Ratkin warriors or shamans.
Ritual MurderKill all lizardmen worshippers during the summoning ritual.
Sylvan TriumphSide with the Sylvan Elves and destroy the Crusader army.
TravellerTravel to the Drakefang Mountains.
Treasure HunterFind a legendary item after completing a battle.
Trial By CombatProve Lady Aefenwir's innocense by defeating the crusader champion in the trial by combat.
War MasterComplete the final level on extreme difficulty.
Wolf SlayerSlay the werewolf in Thanisport.