Achievement | How to unlock
A well-planned attack | Kill an enemy after receiving an extra AP from the "Tactical Order" skill.
Across the Bridge | Reach Chapter 2.
Blade retaliation | Kill an enemy using the "Blade Overwatch" skill.
CPR to the Rescue! | Use the auto-revive action on a bleeding character.
Champions of the Empire | Complete Chapter 3 on the Hard/Very hard difficulty.
Field manual | Discover every combat tactic.
Fire in the hole! | Kill nine enemies with a single grenade blast.
Gaining momentum | Finish 3 missions in one game.
Getting better at this | Reach level 3 with a character.
Glory to the Empire! | Complete Chapter 3 on Easy or Normal difficulty.
In for the kill | Kill an enemy after using the "Rush it!" action.
It hurts, but it hurts them more | Kill an enemy with an overloaded shot.
It's scary around here | Acquire your first negative quirk.
Lightning bolt thrower | Kill at least 10 enemies with a Fusion Core attack.
Master mechanic | Revive the automaton at least three times.
Now I know what it's all about | Finish the tutorial mission.
Pest control squad | Kill 200 enemies.
Pushing back | Counter a vermin activity.
Rat Exterminators | Kill 100 enemies.
Revenge time | Revive a character and score a kill with them in the same turn.
System override | Force open the bunker door.
Ten levels in | Reach level 10 with a character.
That's a big thump | Kill at least six enemies with the "Ground Slam" skill.
The Palace | Reach chapter 3.
The best you can get | Max out a weapon/automaton upgrade.
We're pretty far already | Finish 10 missions in one game.