Shadowgrounds Survivor (PC)

Cheat Codes

Press [F8] during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. You can also press [Up] or [Down] to cycle through the console history to re-enter codes easily.

Alien attackexternInclude developer:spawn_alienattack
All weaponsexternInclude developer:givestuff
Ammo for all weapons/flashlightexternInclude developer:reloadstuff
Close all remote doorsexternInclude developer:closeallremotedoors
Disable all AI, doors immovabledisableAllAI
Display messagemessage [text]
Enable all AI, doors movableenableAllAI
Enable developer menuexternInclude developer:main
Enemies do not moveenableHostileAI
Enemies resume movementdisableHostileAI
Full healthexternInclude developer:fullhealth
Get all keysexternInclude developer:giveallkeys
God mode, full health, all weapons, etc.externInclude developer:stuffed
God modeexternInclude developer:immortal
Hide user interfacehideGUI
Lose all keysexternInclude developer:loseallkeys
Lose current mission, crashes gamesetMissionFailureCounter 1
Open all remote doorsexternInclude developer:openallremotedoors
Open closest doorexternInclude developer:open_door
Quit gamequit
Show user interfaceshowGUI
Spawn Alien Type 0externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien1
Spawn Alien Type 11externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien4
Spawn Alien Type 4externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien2
Spawn Alien Type 9externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien3
Warp 3,000 units forwardexternInclude developer:warpmore
Warp 300 units forwardexternInclude developer:warpforward
Win current missionsetMissionSuccessCounter 1