Selaco (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AFKSpend one hour inside a 'Xen Wellness Center' sauna without interruption.
Buddy SystemBuddy-up with Jonathan.
Crime AvertedSave a fish from suffocation.
DPS LFGObtain 1200 DPS at the Shooting Range in Punching Bag mode.
Daily BonusClaim a free daily drink at the Mall.
Death IncarnateKill 1,000 Enemies.
Death TollPrevent a mutation from happening, by any means necessary.
Game Over!Complete Chapter 1.
Gwyn SimpSpend at least 5000 Selver in a single Gwyn Machine session.
HomecomingVisit Dawn's home.
Humanity's Second ChanceReach the streets.
Humiliation!Defeat a Juggernaut with your fists.
It's not a bug, it's a feature!Trigger a Trash Tornado.
Little Plushy ManSafely return Wilson the Bear to Dawn's home.
Marathon RunnerTake 15,000 steps in a single Campaign save.
Mozzarella Miracle!Get very lucky by finding a full box of pizza.
Myth, busted!Cause a toilet to explode without using explosives.
NotEvenRemotelyFairDie within five seconds of starting a game on Selaco Must Fall difficulty.
OverkillKill an enemy with your Fists while having a Bunny Hopper, Protein Shake and Confidence Booster active.
Paper ForeverFight through the Liancria Office Complex.
Power OverwhelmingObtain the Railgun Prototype from Starlight.
Pub BrawlStart an argument at The Broken Seal.
Reporting for duty!Suit up.
Safe HeavenUnlock your first Safe Room.
Save the World, bro!Reach Level 10 in SPACE BRO.
Sharp ShooterLand a Headshot Kill from at least 70 meters away.
Sharp and ShinyObtain all upgrades for a single weapon.
Unionize!Get 100 Minimum-Wagers in Burger Flipper.