Seasteader (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All Hands On DeckReach population of more than 250 people with zero unemployment.
AnglerExport 200 000 fish in one level.
Beach PartyExport 200 000 sand in one level.
Black GoldExport 100 000 oil in one level.
BlowerExport 100 000 glass in one level.
Can't Get EnoughExport a total of 100 million goods amongst all your seasteads.
CityHave a population of 500 seasteaders.
Completer 15Complete the 15-mission campaign.
Drunken SailorExport 100 000 beer in one level.
Experienced DeveloperBuild 1000 buildings amongst all your seasteads.
FrugivoreExport 200 000 fruit in one level.
Full CrewHave 24 builders in one level.
Gold CardImport a total of 1 million goods amongst all your seasteads.
Green WallExport 200 000 hops in one level.
Helping HandsHave 5 investor buildings on your seastead.
Helping HandHave 1 investor building on your seastead.
Human FlowAttract 1000 immigrants to all your seasteads.
Human TrickleAttract 100 immigrants to all your seasteads.
Human TsunamiAttract 100 000 immigrants to all your seasteads.
Human WaveAttract 10 000 immigrants to all your seasteads.
In DemandExport a total of 10 million goods amongst all your seasteads.
IndustrialistHave every type of manufacturing building in one level.
Master DeveloperBuild 10 000 buildings amongst all your seasteads.
Maxi HubUpgrade your hub to level 4.
Mega HubUpgrade your hub to level 5.
Micro HubUpgrade your hub to level 2.
Mini HubUpgrade your hub to level 3.
Money BagReach $100 000 in one level.
Money MountainReach $100 million in one level.
Money PileReach $1 million in one level.
Money PoolReach $10 million in one level.
MoonshinerExport 100 000 bourbon in one level.
No Bums On BoardReach population of more than 250 people with zero homelessness.
ParadiseHave each happiness metric above 60.
PetrolheadExport 100 000 gasoline in one level.
Platinum CardImport a total of 10 million goods amongst all your seasteads.
PopularExport a total of 1 million goods amongst all your seasteads.
Posh NoshExport 100 000 oysters in one level.
Pretty PollyExport 100 000 polymers in one level.
ProducerHave every type of production building in one level.
Real Estate MogulBuild 100 000 buildings amongst all your seasteads.
Rookie DeveloperBuild 100 buildings amongst all your seasteads.
SeamstressExport 100 000 textiles in one level.
Silicon OceanExport 100 000 microchips in one level.
Silver CardImport a total of 100 000 goods amongst all your seasteads.
SocialiteHave every type of entertainment building in one level.
SpindlerExport 200 000 cotton in one level.
Staple DietExport 200 000 corn in one level.
SuburbiaHave every type of housing building in one level.
Sweet ToothExport 200 000 sugar in one level.
SyntheticExport 100 000 plastic in one level.
TownHave a population of 250 seasteaders.
UtopiaHave each happiness metric above 70.
VillageHave a population of 100 seasteaders.