Scythe (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerCollect 5 or more encounters during the game.
Armed to the TeethGet 16 power.
Army of MeWin without any recruits.
Better Feared than LovedWin with 6 or less popularity.
Execute Order 66Defeat an enemy hero.
In the Army NowEnlist all recruits.
Is This the Real Life...?Win a match while your opponent has 6 stars.
KeelhauledWin a battle on a lake.
LudditeWin without any upgrades.
One-Man ArmyWin without any mechs.
ProletariatGet all workers.
Rags to RichesWin with $100 or more.
Real Estate MagnateBuild all structures.
Rome Wasn't Built in a DayWin without any structures.
Seize the Means of ProductionControl the Factory at the end of the game.
Speed DemonBe the first person in the Factory.
Successful DeveloperGet the highest tier from the structures bonus.
The Art of TrollingUnknown.
The Art of WarWin a battle with 0 power.
The ChallengerComplete the objective.
The Four MechmenDeploy all mechs.
The Power of LoveGet 18 popularity.
The Winner Takes It AllWin a game.
This Land Is My LandAt the end of the game, have the most tiles under your control.
To the Victor Go the SpoilsWin 2 battles.
UbergeekWin a battle on the Factory field.
UdarnikAt the end of the game, have the most resources under your control.
WarmongerWin the game and have won more than 2 combats.
Well-Oiled MachineAcquire all upgrades.