Achievement | How to unlock
A Whole New World | Unlock the Cathedal area.
An Eye for an Eye | Complete joheim's quests.
Animal Cruelty | Defeat Fluffy in the Labyrinth.
Apprentice | Reach level 5 with any character.
Booze Hound | Complete the "Wanted: Boozatron B" Random Quest.
Gina's Box | Complete the "Not My Box" Quest for Gina.
Gorgon's Box | Complete the "Not My Box" Quest for Gorgon.
Hunter | Reach level 10 with any character.
I Have Many Leather Bound Books | Complete the "Wanted: Dewey Decimator B" Random Quest.
In Hot Water | Defeat the Lobster King Boss in the Lower Plant.
It's Pronounced "Yo-heim" | Complete the "Return to Nadia" Quest.
Nadia's Box | Complete the "Not My Box" Quest for Nadia.
Predator | Achieve 10th Ace Ranking in PVP.
Prey | Achieve 5th Cadet Ranking in PVP.
Put Your Dukes Up | Complete the "Study Gloves" Quest.
Slayer | Reach level 20 with any character.
Style Over Substance | Complete estel's quests.
The Right to Bare Arm | Complete gorgon's quests.
What's That Smell? | Complete the "Scout the Lower Plant" quest.
You're Kidding, Right? | Complete the "Ryan's Request" Quest.