Rush for Glory (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Agile WarriorCall 100 waves earlier through the game.
ApocalypseKill 1000 enemies by death rain through the game.
ArchitectBuild 250 towers through the game.
Blood lustKill 2500 enemies through the game.
Clever DealerSell all towers after final wave.
ConstructorCreate 30 towers through the game.
Deadly SeriousPlay and win all levels in INSANE difficulty mode.
Death TrapKill 100 enemies by trap through the game.
Dignified KillerPlay and win all levels in HARD difficulty mode.
DirectorUse cinematic camera for the first time.
EngineerCreate 100 towers through the game.
First BloodKill first enemy in the game.
FishermanGet 10 stars through the game.
GamepaPlay and win all mini games.
NormalityPlay and win all levels in NORM difficulty mode.
Perfect BattleMake 50 tower full upgrade with full ability through the game.
Real EstateSell 100 towers through the game.
RedeemerRelease people to reach 300 people.
SlayerKill 1000 enemies through the game.
SniperKill 100 enemies by sniper of ground lava through the game.
StalwartGet 20 stars through the game.
Star CollectorGet all 30 stars through the game.
TerminatorKill 3500 enemies through the game.
Tower DealerSell 10 towers in one level.
Wrath of BattleUse death rain 10 times in the single level.