Rum & Gun (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Beach StrollerWalk 300 units.
Blood MoneyGet 5000 gold.
Bottoms UpDrink 5000 rum.
CardioWalk 2000 units.
Cruel Life EnderKill 1000 enemies.
DonorSell a liver.
Dutch CourageDrink 100000 rum.
Finders KeepersGet 500 gold.
FundedGet 1000 gold.
Hi, my name is Captain...Drink 500000 rum.
Infamous Life EnderKill 30000 enemies.
Just Good BusinessGet 25000 gold.
Just a SipDrink 1000 rum.
Kid FriendlyEscort Phin the Shark across the Hidden Coast.
Legendary Life EnderKill 100000 enemies.
Life EnderKill 50 enemies.
Merciless Life EnderKill 3000 enemies.
Not Quite 20,000 LeaguesWalk 20000 units.
Not Worthy...Kill Captain Kraul in the Pit of Souls.
Ocean StonksGet 10000 gold.
Offshore AccountGet 50000 gold.
Organ HarvesterSell 100 livers.
Pay DayGet 2500 gold.
Penta-destroyerGet 100 pentakills.
PentakillerKill 5 enemies with 1 projectile.
PentapocalypseGet 1000 pentakills.
PentaslayerGet 10 pentakills.
Quadruple DestroyerGet 1000 quadruple kills.
Quadruple Life EnderGet 10 quadruple kills.
Quadruple SlayerGet 100 quadruple kills.
RegicideKill the Emerald Queen in the Ancient Lair.
Sadistic Life EnderKill 10000 enemies.
Sea Dog MillionaireGet 100000 gold.
Serial Life EnderKill 150 enemies.
The AntinopeKill the Brood Mother in the Quagmire of the Fallen.
The Drunken PilgrimWalk 100000 units.
The FallKill the Mughal Prince in the White Mausoleum.
There and BackWalk 8000 units.
This One's on MeDrink 25000 rum.
Toss a Coin to your CaptainGet 100 gold.
Triple DestroyerGet 1000 triple kills.
Triple Life EnderGet 10 triple kills.
Triple MurdererGet 100 triple kills.
Wanton Life EnderKill 400 enemies.
Wet MarketSell 20 livers.