Achievement | How to unlock
Admiral | Defeat 25 enemy ships in a run on hard difficulty.
Battlefield dominator | Survive to the end of Perseus Fields on hard difficulty.
Battlefield survivor | Survive to the end of Perseus Fields.
Big brain | Defeat an enemy ship without damaging it or its crew.
Butcher | Defeat a ship by killing its crew.
Captain | Defeat 25 enemy ships in a run.
Colonist | Reach max colony level.
Commander | Defeat 5 enemy ships in a run.
Commodore | Defeat 100 enemy ships in a run.
Conscientious objector | Defeat the conscription ship.
Dove | Survive combat without firing a shot.
Fleet Admiral | Defeat 50 enemy ships in a run on hard difficulty.
Get off my lawn | Defeat a mobile station.
Great survivor | Survive to the end of The Outer Edge on hard difficulty.
Miner | Mine 100000 omnicash worth of resources in a run.
Mining magnate | Mine 1000000 omnicash worth of resources in a run.
Survivor | Survive to the end of The Outer Edge.
Symbiotic | Have a weapon with triple quad synergy.
Synergetic | Have a weapon with one quad synergy.
The Kenny gene | Have a character be revived ten times.