Rogue Station (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdmiralDefeat 25 enemy ships in a run on hard difficulty.
Battlefield dominatorSurvive to the end of Perseus Fields on hard difficulty.
Battlefield survivorSurvive to the end of Perseus Fields.
Big brainDefeat an enemy ship without damaging it or its crew.
ButcherDefeat a ship by killing its crew.
CaptainDefeat 25 enemy ships in a run.
ColonistReach max colony level.
CommanderDefeat 5 enemy ships in a run.
CommodoreDefeat 100 enemy ships in a run.
Conscientious objectorDefeat the conscription ship.
DoveSurvive combat without firing a shot.
Fleet AdmiralDefeat 50 enemy ships in a run on hard difficulty.
Get off my lawnDefeat a mobile station.
Great survivorSurvive to the end of The Outer Edge on hard difficulty.
MinerMine 100000 omnicash worth of resources in a run.
Mining magnateMine 1000000 omnicash worth of resources in a run.
SurvivorSurvive to the end of The Outer Edge.
SymbioticHave a weapon with triple quad synergy.
SynergeticHave a weapon with one quad synergy.
The Kenny geneHave a character be revived ten times.