Achievement | How to unlock
BARE GRILLS (10) | Win a game of Survivor without dying once
BLOODY MARY (10) | Kill an enemy by deflecting his own Sniper shot with the Pulse
BRAWLER (10) | Kill 20 enemies by using the Pulse as a melee weapon
BUCKSHOT (10) | Kill 2 enemies with a single Shotgun burst
BULLSEYE (10) | Kill 3 enemies with a single Sniper weapon (across all 3 shots)
BUZZKILL (10) | Kill an enemy by deflecting a Buzzsaw
COUCH PARTY (10) | Play 3 matches of any mode with a full lobby of people
FIGHT TO THE END (10) | Win a game of Nuke King by surpassing the leading player via the last Nuke explosion
GOTTA UNLOCK 'EM ALL! (10) | Unlock all 12 ships
ICARUS (10) | Use the pulse to push an enemy into the sun
LEVEL UP! (10) | Unlock your first ship
LITERALLY ROCKET SCIENCE (10) | Stay in orbit around the sun for a full 10 seconds without thrusting
MINESWEEPER (10) | Destroy 30 mines
ROCKET WARS MASTER (10) | Get all achievements in Rocket Wars
SHUT-DOWN (10) | Kill a player who has the Nuke within 1 second of him getting it
SPACE CADET (10) | Kill 50 enemies
SPACE TYRANT (10) | Kill 150 enemies
SPACE WARLORD (10) | Kill 500 enemies
TIMBER! (10) | Get a triple-kill with the Buzzsaw
UNTOUCHABLE (10) | Detonate the Nuke without taking damage