Robot Pirates (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Big DoubloonsCollect 4000 Doubloons in one run.
Bronze BringerCollect 1000 Doubloons in one run.
Buccaneer in CultivationScore 300,000 points or more.
Calm SeasGet as far away from the wave as you can.
Copper CollectorCollect 500 Doubloons in one run.
Corsair in TuitionScore 200,000 points or more.
Fully Pledged PirateScore 500,000 points or more.
Gold GathererCollect 3000 Doubloons in one run.
Half Hour Well SpentSurvive over 30 minutes.
I'm a SurvivorSurvive over 40 minutes.
JumperMax out the Jump Power-Up.
LuckyMax out the Luck Power-Up.
Marauder in PracticeScore 100,000 points or more.
Minute MaidenSurvive over 10 minutes.
Nice TryTry to escape the wave through unconventional methods.
PatientCollect 100 Doubloons in the Main Menu.
PettyScore 112 points or less.
PowerfulMax out the Power Power-Up.
Privateer in TrainingScore 50,000 points or more.
PumpedHave all three Power-Ups active at once.
Raider in InstructionScore 150,000 points or more.
Rough SeasGet caught out in Rough Seas.
Silver StealerCollect 2000 Doubloons in one run.
SpacemanSend your Robot Pirate to Space.
SpeedyMax out the Speed Power-Up.
SpringerGet the Spring Jump Power-Up.
StylishMax out the Bling Power-Up.
Tea BreakSurvive over 5 minutes.
Through the RoofBreak out of the Screen.
Timely EscapeSurvive over 20 minutes.