Achievement | How to unlock
Big Doubloons | Collect 4000 Doubloons in one run.
Bronze Bringer | Collect 1000 Doubloons in one run.
Buccaneer in Cultivation | Score 300,000 points or more.
Calm Seas | Get as far away from the wave as you can.
Copper Collector | Collect 500 Doubloons in one run.
Corsair in Tuition | Score 200,000 points or more.
Fully Pledged Pirate | Score 500,000 points or more.
Gold Gatherer | Collect 3000 Doubloons in one run.
Half Hour Well Spent | Survive over 30 minutes.
I'm a Survivor | Survive over 40 minutes.
Jumper | Max out the Jump Power-Up.
Lucky | Max out the Luck Power-Up.
Marauder in Practice | Score 100,000 points or more.
Minute Maiden | Survive over 10 minutes.
Nice Try | Try to escape the wave through unconventional methods.
Patient | Collect 100 Doubloons in the Main Menu.
Petty | Score 112 points or less.
Powerful | Max out the Power Power-Up.
Privateer in Training | Score 50,000 points or more.
Pumped | Have all three Power-Ups active at once.
Raider in Instruction | Score 150,000 points or more.
Rough Seas | Get caught out in Rough Seas.
Silver Stealer | Collect 2000 Doubloons in one run.
Spaceman | Send your Robot Pirate to Space.
Speedy | Max out the Speed Power-Up.
Springer | Get the Spring Jump Power-Up.
Stylish | Max out the Bling Power-Up.
Tea Break | Survive over 5 minutes.
Through the Roof | Break out of the Screen.
Timely Escape | Survive over 20 minutes.