Rime Berta (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All According to PlanSelect ''Wait'' after using all of your AP.
Assist MasterUse assist Skills 50 times.
Careful not to Overuse Them!Use a Skill so much its usages go back to 0.
Careful PreservationSave 20 times.
Class Change ExpertChange Classes 10 times.
Class Change FanChange Classes five times.
Commander-in-ChiefDefeat 300 Units.
Completed Floor 1!Defeat the Floor 1 boss.
Completed Floor 2!Defeat the Floor 2 boss.
Completed Floor 3!Defeat the Floor 3 boss.
Completed Floor 4!Defeat the Floor 4 boss.
Completed Floor 5!Defeat the Floor 5 boss.
CompletionistGet all of the medals.
Congrats on the Class Change!Performed your first Class Change.
Counter StrikeDefeat a Unit with a Reaction Skill.
Critical Hit!Get 100 critical hits.
Double Link!Use two Reaction Skills one after another.
Double StrikerDefeat two Units at once.
Famous StrategistDefeat 200 Units.
First Fusion!Fuse two Units together.
Fusion ProfessorFuse Units together 20 times.
Fusion ResearcherFuse Units together 10 times.
Hard WorkerGet a single Skill's level to MAX.
Heal MasterUse healing Skills 50 times.
It Happens to EveryoneGet 10 Game Overs.
It's a Time For GrowthGet a Unit to Level 10.
It's not over until the fat lady singsGet 5 Game Overs.
Let's Party!Get 10 Units to join your party.
Magic MasterUse magic Skills 80 times.
Master Arch KnightLearn all Skills of the Arch Knight class.
Master Arch MageLearn all Skills of the Arch Mage class.
Master ArcherLearn all Skills of the Archer class.
Master BishopLearn all Skills of the Bishop class.
Master DragonKnightLearn all Skills of the Dragon Knight class.
Master Guide (Blue)Learn all of Hannah's Skills.
Master Guide (Green)Learn all of Affi's Skills.
Master Guide (Red)Learn all of Misty's Skills.
Master GunnerLearn all Skills of the Gunner class.
Master KnightLearn all Skills of the Knight class.
Master LancerLearn all Skills of the Lancer class.
Master LongbowmanLearn all Skills of the Longbowman class.
Master MagicianLearn all Skills of the Magician class.
Master NinjaLearn all Skills of the Ninja class.
Master PaladinLearn all Skills of the Paladin class.
Master PriestessLearn all Skills of the Priestess class.
Master RogueLearn all Skills of the Rogue class.
Master SageLearn all Skills of the Sage class.
Master SaintLearn all Skills of the Saint class.
Master ShotgunnerLearn all Skills of the Shotgunner class.
Master SniperLearn all Skills of the Sniper class.
Master SorceressLearn all Skills of the Sorceress class.
Master SpellbladeLearn all Skills of the Mage Fencer class.
Master ThiefLearn all Skills of the Thief class.
Master ValkyrieLearn all Skills of the Valkyrie class.
Master WarriorLearn all Skills of the Warrior class.
Master WitchLearn all Skills of the Witch class.
Merciless DownsizingPart with a Unit.
Miraculous ReactionsUse Reaction Skills 100 times.
Normal Ending ASee the ending of Route A.
Normal Ending BSee the ending of Route B.
Party's full!Get 20 Units to join your party.
Quadruple Link!!!Use four Reaction Skills one after another.
Quintuple Link!!!!Use five Reaction Skills one after another.
Reliable CommanderDefeat 50 Units.
Search for Party MembersGet five Units to join your party.
Skill CollectorGet 50 total Skills.
Skill HunterGet 20 total Skills.
Skill MasterGet 100 total Skills.
Smite!Do 400 damage or more in a single blow.
Staff CommanderDefeat 100 Units.
To Even Further Heights!Raise a Unit to Level 80.
Trap MasterUse trap Skills 30 times.
Triple Link!!Use three Reaction Skills one after another.
Triple StrikerDefeat three Units at once.
True EndingSee the ending of Route C.
You're a VeteranGet a Unit to Level 50.
You're Really Working HardGet a Unit to Level 25.
You've done well. Bronze star!Get a total of 25 stars in various Stages.
You've done well. Gold star!Get a total of 75 stars in various Stages.
You've done well. Silver star!Get a total of 50 stars in various Stages.