Revolution: Virtual Playspace (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerUse the Quest Editor.
BlacksmithUse the Item Editor.
CartographerUse the Map Editor.
CommanderUse the Battle Rules Editor.
Destroyer of WorldsClear a Map in the Map Editor.
Game MasterUse the GM Rules Editor.
Hey, Who Turned Out The LightsLights out to place your own lighting.
HoarderUse the Loot Drop Editor.
Joined the RevolutionPlay Revolution Virtual Playspace.
MerchantUse the Store Editor.
MessengerUse the Conversation Editor.
MeticulousUse E for Fine Snapping.
Playing With PowerRMB.
ProfilerUse the Miniature Editor.
SHHhhhhh!Be Quiet while I'm Creating!
Size MattersThat's what Kayti Says!
The PortalUse the Playspace.
The TeamView the Credits.