Achievement | How to unlock
Big Stick | Get the baseball bat.
Funny Man | Read all the jokes in the graffities.
GateKeeper | Get the key to the warehouse.
Incendiary | Start a fire.
Introduction | Start a new game.
Lady Killer | Talk to the girl.
Marathon Runner | Finish the game in less than 4 hours.
Nuisance guy | Make someone angry with you.
Off down! | Watch out for things falling on your head.
Perfect escape | Learn How to Rappel.
Sweet Dreams | Everyone loves a good sleep.
The Caterpillar | Make a duct tape caterpillar.
The Escapist | Finish the game.
The perfect escapist | Finish the game for a second time.
The Piper | Hypnotize a rat.
The Riddle | Finish the game without using the hint system.