Reverse Crawl (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
All the BooksCollect all three of Greybeard's books in one campaign.
Completely CorruptedAchieve the evil ending.
Crossing the Sage TwiceComplete two Sage quests in one campaign.
First BloodDefeat a hero.
GutlessThe easiest choice to make.
HeartlessThe cruellest choice to make.
Hero QuestsComplete two Hero Party quests in one campaign.
Horned DemonUnlocked the Horned Demon power.
Iron GolemUnlock the Iron Golem power.
Merchant FarmingComplete two Merchant quests in one campaign.
Red DragonUnlock the Red Dragon power.
Return of the KingAchieve either of the good endings.
SelflessThe hardest choice to make.
Taste of EvilTrigger an Evil Power.
The AmbushComplete Chapter 7.
The Dark ElfRecruit Violet the Dark Elf.
The Exiled MageRecruit Greybeard the Exiled Mage.
The Green GoblinRecruit Bonehead the Goblin Shaman.