Revenge of the Headless (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A pile of gold coinsUpgrade the Left Guard to max level.
Abhor RusherDefeat the Great Demon.
BOSS KillerUnlock all the BOSS handbook.
CollectorUnlock all the item handbook.
Embark on a journeyComplete game tutorial with the warlock.
Give me the treasure boxUpgrade the Right Guard to max level.
I am the KingDefeat the Giant Slime.
Mercy MurdererDefeat the Sceptre Angel.
Monster ConquerorUnlock all the monster handbook.
Revenge successDefeat Betray.
Save the Left GuardDefeat the Dragon Knight.
Save the Right GuardDefeat the Axe Knight Captain.
Spider HunterDefeat the Spider Queen.
The cost of mercyDefeat the Holy Spirit.
The Knight's proofDefeat the Spider Knight.
The root of AbhorDefeat the Flame Demon.
Thousands of arrows shot at onceDefeat the Goblin Archer Captain.