Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (PC)

Cheat Codes

The following cheats only work on servers where cheats are enabled. Press ~ to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes.

/give armor100 armor
/give health100 health
/spdevmap or /devmap [map name]Advance to indicated map
/give allAll weapons and ammunition
/cg_FOV [number]Change field of view
/notargetDisable enemy AI
/mapnameDisplay current map name
/quitExit game
/give ammoFull ammunition for current weapons
/dir mapsList maps
/nofatigueNever get tired
/noclipNo clipping mode
/reconnectReconnect to last server
/screenshotScreenshot of current screen
/give armor [amount]Set armor amount
/give health [number]Set health amount
/cmdlistShow all commands
/serverinfoShow current server settings
/toggle cg_drawtimerShow time left
/give [item name]Spawn indicated item
/give staminaStamina
/cg_thirdperson 1Third person view
/toggle r_fullscreenToggle between windowed and full screen; Restart game when changed
/toggle cg_drawcompassToggle compass display
/toggle cg_drawfpsToggle frame rate display
/toggle cg_gibsToggle gibs
/toggle cg_draw2dToggle HUD display
/cg_uselessnostalgia [0 or 1]Toggle old Wolfenstein HUD
/toggle cg_drawteamoverlayToggle team overlays